#29: Consider renaming Category:Incomplete_Spins
Reporter: kanarip | Owner: kanarip
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 11 GA
Component: kickstart pool | Keywords: meeting
Consider renaming Category:Incomplete_Spins to something like
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/spin-kickstarts/ticket/29>
spin-kickstarts <https://fedorahosted.org/spin-kickstarts/>
Kickstarts that the Spin SIG reviews, tests, maintains and releases (as a package).
#3: Compose All Approved Kickstarts
Reporter: kanarip | Owner: kanarip
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: major | Milestone: Fedora 10 Beta
Component: kickstart pool | Keywords:
Compose all approved kickstarts for F-10-Beta and create tickets for
failed composes
Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/spin-kickstarts/ticket/3>
spin-kickstarts <https://fedorahosted.org/spin-kickstarts/>
Kickstarts that the Spin SIG reviews, tests, maintains and releases (as a package).
Hi folks,
It looks like the following spins will be available [1] in Fedora 12:
- AOS Spin (David Huff)
- BrOffice.org Spin (Igor Pires Soares)
- Education Spin (Sebastian Dziallas)
- Electronic Lab Spin (Chitlesh Goorah)
- Games Spin (Bruno Wolff III)
- LXDE Spin (Christoph Wickert)
- XFCE Spin (Kevin Fenzi & Adam Miller)
As you likely well know, we've come up with a new
spins.fedoraproject.org design. The initial design includes individual
spin details pages. These designs can evolve and be modified however you
folks would like - our main goal for the F12 timeframe is to have a nice
spins site that looks professional and is easy-to-use rather than what
we have today which is basically a flat dump of torrent files [2] and
scattered spins details pages and wiki pages.
So the general idea is we'll have a main directory of spins:
And each spin will have its own multiple-tabbed page to offer up
downloads and other other details you'd like to make available. Here's
an example one I mocked up for the KDE spin:
You see the tabs for the spin - I think that depending on your spins'
needs, these can be flexible, but at a minimum we need a 'home' tab to
give a basic description of what the spin is, and a 'download' tab to
provide the downloads.
I hope you're all cool with this. :) I've been trying to blog this on
Planet Fedora and it's been discussed on the logistics-list and fab list
as well for the past couple months or so, but it was totally my
oversight to not include this list in the process. I'm hoping moving
forward we can take the design I came up with as a kind of potential
vision, and adapt the design to meet your needs over time.
If we're all good there, what I would like to get from you all by next
Friday if possible:
- A slogan for your spin to serve as the heading for the home page. The
sample one I came up for KDE is: "It's your desktop. Be free." If you
need helping coming up with one I'm happy to help.
- At least a paragraph describing what your spin is used for, who your
spin is for, what unique features it has - that kind of information.
This will also go on the home tab.
- A representative screenshot for your spin.
- For the downloads tab, if you'd like custom text to describe the spin
download, let me know. Otherwise I'll use the defaults in this mockup:
- For the support tab, I'd like to know what IRC channels or other live
support options users have for your spin (if any), what mailing lists /
forums / non-live support options users have for your spin (if any), and
what documentation would you like to highlight to new users. An example
is shown here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:Spin-details-support.png
- Finally, I'd like to create some custom branding for each spin, so the
different spins pages are distinguishable from one another. You can see
in this KDE spin mockup, I did a bar above the tabs that has the KDE
logo. Let me know what kind of graphic you'd like for your spin ASAP and
I can come up with mockups:
I know this is a lot to ask, but can you give it a shot and let me know
if this is not do-able or if you have any concerns? I'm usually on
freenode as 'mizmo' or you can shoot me an email or we can discuss
on-list here as well.
p.s. the full spins.fpo site redesign is available here:
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Spins_Fedora_12
[2] http://spins.fedoraproject.org/
Hi folks,
I came up with a set of banners for each of the spins to be displayed on
spins.fpo. In context, the banner would be placed underneath a blue
Fedora bar, like so:
Here's all the banners:
I hope you like them! Let me know if you're okay with the design I came
up with for your spin or if you have any ideas on improving these. I'm
going to make a post on planet.fpo too so we can get broader feedback,
but I'm particularly concerned about the spins owners being happy with
the artwork they've got. Please feel free to speak up. I uploaded the
source for the banners too in case you wanted to tweak on your own!
Hi there,
I committed a couple of changes [1] to the Xfce Spin:
1. Removed cups-pdf because the gnome print dialog already offers
pdf printing.
2. Removed some system-config-* tools to sync with the desktop
* system-config-boot
* system-config-language (language can be changed in gdm)
* system-config-lvm
* system-config-network (we already have NetworkManager)
* system-config-rootpassword
* system-config-services
* policycoreutils-gui
Any of these that should stay in the Spin?
What about midori? Do we really want two browsers? We already have
And what about parole? It's really cool, but I don't think it is ready
to be the default media player until it has a gecko plugin. Nevertheless
it would be nice to have it on the Live-CD.
We should have some more free space, anything you would like to add? How
about vinagre or another VNC viewer?
Opinions, comments, rants?
(this is a re-send, my first try got moderated)
On 10/21/2009 04:54 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> On 10/17/2009 01:41 PM, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 14:46:57 -0400,
>> Máirín Duffy <mairin(a)linuxgrrl.com> wrote:
>>> Here's my work-in-progress so far for the front page of the Games
>>> Spin. What do you think?
> (The url got quoted out but for reference it's
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Website_redesign_2009/Mockups/Spins.fpo#Fedo…
> )
>> I think it mostly looks good. I think the images are easier to get at a
>> glance than the Wesnoth one I picked. I had been thinking I only had one
>> image and that it would be a lot bigger. It wouldn't be understandable
>> if shrunk that small.
> Yeh, I played with it using the same format as the other spin details'
> pages but even with a larger size screenshot, the details of the Wesnoth
> screenshot were a little lost. I felt like splitting out into 3
> screenshot in the case of the Games spin made sense since many different
> games are really central to the spin.
>> There is some artifact in the images as they show up on that page. I am
>> not sure if it is something with being in the mock up or if the final
>> version will also have the same artifact. The upper half of each image
>> appears to be brighter than the lower half with a clear line separating
>> the two parts.
> The fade-out to white on the bottom? It's a design element I'm trying to
> apply to all the banners (see the FEL and LXDE banners further up the
> page) but it might not work very well for the particular design I went with.
>> My only other concern is that you picked three 3d games. None of those
>> are going to work for people that have nvidia graphics cards off the
>> dvd. They will be usable with proprietary drivers if they actually install
>> Fedora and then get the needed drivers from rpmfusion. This is more of
>> a marketting question, so I don't think I know the right answer. But I did
>> want to let you know about the limitation in case that affects what you
>> think is best.
> Can you give me examples of games included in the spin that have
> compelling artwork that doesn't rqeuire 3d? I'm mostly looking for
> eye-candy to rope folks in :)
> ~m
Hi folks,
I promised I'd sent the Fedora websites list the spins content the
maintainers so graciously put together on short notice for our spin.fpo
Here's the content they put together - they made it very easy to link to
:) :
Also as a status update, I think we are set on the design for Electronic
Lab and LXDE. I still need to go through the mockup process with
remaining spins' content and make sure the spin maintainers are okay
with what I come up with. I'm hoping to have that done by this Friday
but we'll see.
I sent out a message to the fedora-desktop list too to see if they want
a page for their spin and if so what content they might be able to
provide. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to give them a spins.fpo page
or not yet but hopefully some good discussion about that will happen on
that lit.