Too many people (like also me) try to use samba-dc on fedora for deploy
a production AD DC controller, without know that MIT kerberos is
experimental and some useful things cannot work (es. win to win
An recent last example:
> On 01/11/2019 22:23, Vex Mage wrote:
> > The script is expecting dpkg however this is a Red Hat
> > derived distro (Fedora Server.)
> Where did you get the Samba packages from ?
> If they are the default OS packages, then you should stop using
> them, they use MIT kerberos and are experimental.
There is many approach for resolve this issue:
a) Stop use MIT kerberos and rebuild samba with Heimdal Kerberos.
b) Produce a samba alternative package version (like, for example,
firefox-x11) build it with Heimdal Kerberos (es samba-hk-*)
c) Stop enable DC on Fedora, like RH/Centos do.
d) Notify users at the end of the installation that Fedora Samba DC is
e) Solve the problems that make MIT kerberos experimental and put us in
a position to ask for help on the samba team.
f) ... some other proposal ?
What is the best approach chosen by Fedora ?
Many thanks
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 31 Workstation)
Il giorno gio 24 ott 2019 alle ore 19:28 Strahil <hunter86_bg(a)> ha
> Hi Sandro,All,
> Can I upgrade the tools on existing VM , or it requires a fresh one? Best
> Regards
If you have oVirt windows guest tools already installed suggestion is to
uninstall it before installing this new installer.
> Best Regards,
> Strahil Nikolov
> On Oct 24, 2019 14:35, Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> as part of the work on oVirt 4.4, the team rewrote the VirtiIO Windows
> Drivers installer using the open source framework WiX.
> Thanks to the virtio-win maintainer, the new installer is not shipped
> anymore within oVirt Guest Tools ISO: it's shipped now directly into VirtIO
> Windows ISO[1]
> Please give it a run on your testing environment / testing VMs and let us
> know about your experience at devel(a)
> Thanks,
> [1]
> --
> Sandro Bonazzola
> Red Hat EMEA <>
> sbonazzo(a)
> <>*Red Hat respects your work life balance.
> Therefore there is no need to answer this email out of your office hours.*
Sandro Bonazzola
Red Hat EMEA <>
<>*Red Hat respects your work life balance.
Therefore there is no need to answer this email out of your office hours.
Hello devel,
I got nerdslipped and I ahve created some HTML only mockup of a thing that I
find very useful. A Fedora Packager Dashboard.
You can find the early mockup at:
The idea is to collect some data about your packages and present them in some
nice form. Such data would be gathered by plugins. Examples on the mockup:
- active updates
- active buildroot overrides
- open PRs
- orphaned or broken depnddencies
- bugzillas
- FTBFS (from koschei)
Ideas not included in the mockup:
- running Koji builds
Let me know what you think. I can work on this on the backend level (plugin
architecture design, gathering data, cache...) but even copy pasting HTML from
Bodhi to present the mockup was very painful for me, so if we want this,
somebody with more fronted experience would need to help.
Miro Hrončok
Phone: +420777974800
IRC: mhroncok
my name is Philip Matura and I'm currently a student in mathematics. In
my freetime I'm doing audio/music and electronics stuff. I've been
converted to the Linux world with Fedora about 10 years ago and would
like to give some things back.
So there are currently four packages I would like to see included in
Fedora eventually, to which I would lend a hand in order to make that
happen. Three of them already were submitted in the past, but didn't
make it through (yet):
aelous (
drumgizmo (
helm (
But for now I'll start with this one:
zita-njbridge (
So I am looking for a sponsor.
GPG: 44300632B5E49E6A81528B9EE0538557D42A4B04…
== Summary ==
Modify the gcc package so that the /usr/bin/cc and /usr/bin/c++
symlinks are managed by update-alternatives.
== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:tstellar| Tom Stellard]]
* Email: <tstellar(a)>
== Detailed Description ==
The gcc package currently installs symlinks to /usr/bin/cc and
/usr/bin/c++ which point to /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/g++
respectively. For this change, the gcc package will be modified so
that update-alternatives creates and manages these symlinks.
In addition to modifying the gcc package, the clang package will be
modified so that /usr/bin/clang and /usr/bin/clang++ can be used as
alternatives for /usr/bin/cc and /usr/bin/c++. The clang alternatives
will have a lower priority than the gcc alternatives, so that by
default, gcc will provide the /usr/bin/cc and /usr/bin/c++
The clang package currently has a run-time dependency on gcc, so this
ensures that gcc will always provide the default implementation,
because it's impossible to install clang without gcc.
The only way users will be able to change the /usr/bin/cc or
/usr/bin/c++ implementations will be by explicitly using the
update-alternatives tool.
== Benefit to Fedora ==
Many build systems default to using /usr/bin/cc and /usr/bin/c++ as
the default C/C++ compilers. Being able to easily swap out these
implementation will provide a lot of flexibility within Fedora for
doing things like:
* Setting up alternative buildroots for testing.
* Installing a gcc wrapper script to /usr/bin/cc to help migrate
packages to new compiler flags or to capture statistics about compiler
* Letting users experiment easily with alternate compilers.
* Easily switch between system gcc and a development version of gcc.
== Scope ==
* Proposal owners: The proposal owner will implement the necessary
changes in the gcc and clang packages.
* Other developers: The gcc maintainers will be responsible for
reviewing and approving changes to the gcc package.
* Release engineering: (a check of an impact with Release Engineering is needed)
* Policies and guidelines: No policies or guidelines will need to be
updated as a result of this change.
* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
This change should not impact upgradeability.
== How To Test ==
CI tests will be added to the gcc package to ensure that /usr/bin/cc
and /usr/bin/c++ still point to /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/g++ when
installed. There will also be a CI test added to the clang package to
ensure that /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/g++ remain the default when
clang is installed.
== User Experience ==
This change will give users a much better way to experiment using
other compilers for their own development. They will be able to
easily switch between different compilers without having to modify
their projects build system or make non-standard changes to their
Fedora system.
== Dependencies ==
This change has no other dependencies besides the changes to the gcc
and clang packages.
== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: (What to do? Who will do it?) Proposal Owner
will revert changes made to gcc and clang packages and rebuild.
* Contingency deadline: If the changes are not complete by 2 weeks
before the mass rebuild, then we will consider postponing to the next
Fedora release and back out any changes that were made.
* Blocks release? No
* Blocks product? None
== Documentation ==
Release notes will be added for this change.
== Release Notes ==
The user /usr/bin/cc and /usr/bin/c++ symlinks are now managed by
update-alternatives. If you would like to change these symlinks to
point to another compiler, like clang, for example, you can use these
`update-alternatives --set cc /usr/bin/clang`
`update-alternatives --set c++ /usr/bin/clang++`
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
Hello to everyone,
My name is Joerg Kastning and I'm a Sysadmin who is currently working for the Bielefeld University.
On my carreer counter I have round about 15 years of expierience as Sysadmin, DevOp and IT Project Manager. Using Linux since 2009 as a user and working with it as a professional (more or less) since 2012. Some of my Open Source Projects and the ones I have contributed to, you could find at [0].
At the office I'm using Timewarrior (timew) to track the time I spend on different topics. And it came to my mind that it would be nice to package this software to be able to install it using the package manager that I know. And why build the package only for me when I could build it could get it into an official repository?
So I did some reading [1] and have found Ankur who maintains timew for Fedora. I've told him that I'm eager to learn the bits of package building and maintainig and he agreed coaching me to become a co-maintainer for timew. And here I am. Looking forward to learn new things about the operating system I enjoy.
Best regards,
The Minimization Objective[1] has been going on for a while. There are two
high-level goals: making things smaller, and keeping things smaller. On the
keeping smaller side, the team prototyped a service called Feedback
Pipeline [2] that monitors use cases for their installation size and
dependencies, including a size history. This will help us see bigger
changes in size for things the community cares about [3].
I already got some feedback from a few individuals I asked while developing
it, but I feel it's in a good enough state for a more broad feedback. So I
have a few questions:
1/ We plan to send weekly size updates to the devel list. Would that be
useful? What should they include?
2/ Regarding the use cases [4], especially the container ones, could people
please review and give feedback to those? Are all the packages there
actually required? I'm specifically looking at the "nss_wrapper" package
that drags in Perl and cmake which makes it huge.
3/ Are there any other use cases we should track? I'm sure there are!
4/ And a more general one: is there something you're working on that's
related Minimization? Please let me know.
PS: The service is a prototype, so please excuse if there are some rough
edges — like the history graph showing multiple values of the same color.
If you happen to be interested to contribute, I'd be glad to accept issues
(or even PRs!) in the repo [5].
[1] Objective:
[2] Feedback Pipeline:
[3] Things the community cares about: There is an initial list [4] of use
cases defined by the Minimization Team, and we're now looking for feedback
and suggestions for new ones.
[4] Use cases:
[5] Feedback Pipeline repo:
Adam Šamalík
Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat
== Summary ==
Enabling fstrim.timer will cause fstrim.service to execute weekly,
which in turn executes `/usr/sbin/fstrim --fstab --verbose --quiet`
== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:chrismurphy| Chris Murphy]]
* Email: bugzilla(a)
== Detailed Description ==
Over time, some users experience slow downs in certain flash storage
devices. This might be alleviated by issuing a periodic fstrim command
to the mounted file system. Devices and file systems that don't
support fstrim are unaffected.
By enabling the existing fstrim.timer systemd unit file by default,
will cause weekly execution of the fstrim.service. This service acts
only on mounted filesystems listed in fstab. On supported hardware
(e.g. most SD Card, SSD, and NVMe drives), LVM thin provisioned
storage, and file systems (ext4, XFS, Btrfs, f2fs, but excluding
FAT16/32), fstrim will inform underlying physical storage device's
firmware about unused blocks. This hinting can make wear leveling and
block erasure more efficient.
The timer will execute Monday at 00:00 local time. If the system is
inactive at this time, it will be run immediately upon becoming active
again (upon wake from suspend, during or very soon after boot).
Some devices do not support "queued trim" and there may be a brief
(seconds) pause as the drive firmware acts upon command issuance. It's
expected most users won't notice this.
== Benefit to Fedora ==
This is an optimization to the storage stack, and may help improve
performance and wear leveling for some devices. On LVM thin
provisioned stacks, unused LV extents will be returned to the thin
pool, reducing the likelihood of pool exhaustion.
In a way, this is overdue on Fedora, as it's been the default behavior
on other distributions for a while (at least Ubuntu and openSUSE). At
least it has been well tested.
== Scope ==
* Proposal owners:<br>
Upon approval, submit a PR for fedora-release, modifying
90-default.preset to enable fstrim.timer
* Other developers:<br>
fstrim.timer is provided by util-linux, notify util-linux maintainer<br>
* Release engineering: [ #9116]
* Policies and guidelines: N/A
* Trademark approval: N/A
== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
fstrim.timer will be enabled on upgrade. An upgraded system should
exhibit the same behaviors as a clean installed system.
== How To Test ==
The low level function of systemd timers, fstrim.service, and fstrim
command are well understood and tested already, all Fedora needs to
test is that the timer is enabled following clean installation and
* Clean install Fedora 32, any edition or spin; or
* Upgrade from Fedora 30 or Fedora 31, any edition or spin, to Fedora 32
* Run `sudo systemctl list-timers`
* Confirm `fstrim.timer` is listed under UNITS, and is next scheduled
for Monday 00:00:00
* Anytime following the listed NEXT date+time, run `sudo systemctl
status fstrim.timer`
Example, should apply in all cases:<br>
{{code|Dec 18 13:48:54 fmac.local systemd[1]: fstrim.service: Succeeded.}}
Full example on a device with an SSD and filesystem supporting trim:<br>
$ sudo systemctl status fstrim.service
● fstrim.service - Discard unused blocks on filesystems from /etc/fstab
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/fstrim.service; static;
vendor preset: disabled)
Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2019-12-18 13:48:54 MST; 15min ago
Docs: man:fstrim(8)
Process: 3870 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/fstrim --fstab --verbose --quiet
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 3870 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CPU: 1.387s
Dec 18 13:48:48 fmac.local systemd[1]: Starting Discard unused blocks
on filesystems from /etc/fstab...
Dec 18 13:48:54 fmac.local fstrim[3870]: /: 32 GiB (34409328640 bytes)
trimmed on /dev/sda4
Dec 18 13:48:54 fmac.local systemd[1]: fstrim.service: Succeeded.
Dec 18 13:48:54 fmac.local systemd[1]: Started Discard unused blocks
on filesystems from /etc/fstab.
Dec 18 13:48:54 fmac.local systemd[1]: fstrim.service: Consumed 1.387s CPU time.
Regardless of configuration, there should be no errors.
== User Experience ==
Most users will not notice the change. Some will notice improved
performance of flash storage devices, and more efficient use of thinly
provisioned storage.
This does not affect all storage. Only file systems listed in fstab
are affected.
If the user/admin wants fstrim to apply to all mounted file systems,
they should copy the original fstrim.service unit file, replacing
`--fstab` with `--all`, and use this modified unit file as a drop-in
service unit in /etc. See
== Dependencies ==
== Contingency Plan ==
* Contingency mechanism: Owner will revert the change
* Contingency deadline: final freeze
* Blocks release? No
* Blocks product? No
== Documentation ==
man fstrim
== Release Notes ==
fstrim.timer is enabled by default, and runs fstrim.service weekly.
This service executes `/usr/sbin/fstrim --fstab --verbose --quiet` See
`man fstrim` for details.
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat