Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
On Thu, 2008-08-28 at 18:13 -0700, John Poelstra wrote:
Hi Docs Team,
For the Fedora 10 release I re-worked the underlying TaskJuggler file to optimize reporting and the ability to allocate resources in the future. As a result I've lost some of the dependencies that were built in and am having a hard time reconnecting them. Also as I look at some of the tasks I'm wondering if they still apply or not.
I was looking for the TaskJuggler source earlier, but I went ahead and used plain ol' text:
This is perfect! I can very easily update the TJ file using this as a clear guide.
Did you have any comments on the tasks prior to Beta? I'd like to get those right too so that building F11 is on auto-pilot :)