The R-multcomp maintainer asked me to look into why it was failing to
build in rawhide. When I looked into it, I discovered that something is
broken in how R CMD CHECK --no-install works in 2.10.1. I couldn't tell
you what is broken exactly, but I took the time today to package up all
the Suggests (and their depchain) and tested the package without
--no-install (and without --no-latex) and it works fine again.
I asked Orion (the R-multcomp maintainer) if he was interested in
maintaining/co-maintaining/reviewing these new R packages, but he wasn't
interested. In fact, he said he was more inclined to orphan R-multcomp.
Is there any interest in helping me maintain and review these new R
packages in Fedora? The packages are already done, its just the reviews
and upkeep that I'd need help with.
Here's the packages:
These are the R packages I made today:
coin, colorspace, ipred, lme4, mboost, mlbench, modeltools, multicore,
party, robustbase, sandwich, strucchange, vcd, xtable
If any of these look interesting to you, speak up! If no one cares, I
might just let R-multcomp orphan off, but if there are some willing
helpers, I'll keep it alive with its new dependencies.