Hello everyone, I'm Fabio Alessandro Locati (fale on fas and IRC), a Red Hat Senior Consultant in the UK. I've been freelancing as sysop, dba and solution architect since 2004.
I've met GNU/Linux in 2001 and since 2002 I've completely dismissed any other OS. I've tried every Fedora since Moonshine, but only with Constantine it became my daily-use OS.
During my daily job, I work mainly with Red Hat products (RHEL, Ansible, Ansible Tower, and RHOSP are probably the one I encounter the most).
I'm Packager and Ambassador in the Fedora Project since August, 2014.
I tried to join the Fedora Infra team about 2 years ago, but due to lack of time I had to focus on less Fedora projects so I let it go. I would like to join the infra team to help out and to learn new stuff in the procee.
The part of infrastructure I'd like to focus on, at least at the beginning is the sysop part, since I've far more experience in this field.
Best regards, Fabio Alessandro Locati