One of the frustrations of having multiple different lists is that we can't
really easily cross-post, because if people reply but aren't subscribed to
all lists, they get bounces, and the conversation ends up fragmented. Or the
alternative, multi-posting (same post individually to multiple lists), but
then you're _starting_ with fragmentation.
The radical solution to this would be to use topics, but those require users
to change their habits (putting topics in the subject or a keywords
So instead, could we (now, or in the mm3 future) make it so any address
subscribed to any public fedora list is automatically added to an accept
filter for all other lists?
I don't know enough of the mailman internals to know how this might be
implemented, butit seems like it must be doable. And there might be some
details to be worked out around removing people, and possible moderation.
But what do you think of the general idea?
Matthew Miller -- Fedora Project -- <mattdm(a)>