hy all,
My name is Rachid Zarouali, I'm a linux sysadmin for the french cctld registry. i use linux since 1996 (redhat 4.0 as far as i remember). i used several distributions like Redhat, Suse, Debian my personal linux server is on Ubuntu ;) (no no there's no troll ). i have skills in system administration, network, security, a little bit in databases like mysql and postgresql ... i'm a linux network/sys admin for now almost 6 years, i've been working on different infrastructures , homogenous (*nix only) and heterogenous (win/*nix), wich had different size i've also been a solaris sysadmin for 2 years (Solaris 7). right now i'm professionally focused on projects like, wide deployement system (win/linux), monitoring , email infrastructure ... i put an eye on the schedule page and seen some tasks i could help on like xen, config management....
well, i hope this little introduction is enough ;)
sincerely, Rachid Zarouali
On 12/28/06, Zarouali Rachid rzarouali@gmail.com wrote:
i put an eye on the schedule page and seen some tasks i could help on like xen, config management....
Sounds good, take a look at threads started recently on configuration management, in particular with regards to puppet, glump and cfengine to get up to date on what has already been discussed, use the list archives.