Hi Nasko,
Forwarding your email to the infrastructure list as this the right place to introduce yourself. You might want to look at this as well: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Atanas Beloborodov arrtedone@gmail.com Date: Thu, May 28, 2015 at 2:48 AM Subject: Joining FAS / Infrastructure group
Hi, my name is Atanas Beloborodov (Nasko), currently located in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Using Fedora since Fedora Core 3
I am and web developer / administrator with 10 years experience, currently employed by [Programista; http://programista.bg/].I worked with some of the biggest web agencies (BBDO, Proximity) on challenging projects for clients like Pepsi, Lays, Costa Concordia, Ministere, Comverse, AKQA and so on.
Member and one of founders of non-profit organization Hackafe ( http://hackafe.org/) - place, where local IT community exchange and share ideas, get new skills, make new contacts. Hackafe also organize courses, meetings, lectures and conferences on local level.
I want to be allowed to join Fedora FAS / Infrastructure group and try to bring my experience, professionalism and passion for excellence to the Fedora Project.
Thanks in advance, Nasko.