IRC Handles:
odin2016, odin2016_mobile
Skills and what I would like to learn:
I'd like to learn how to administer Linux systems as a whole from end to end; building machines to storage management and naturally the administration of the pieces that ride on the servers. I've moved from being primarily a windows admin at work to the primary unix admin on my team at work (i've been the primary contact for level 2 unix for about six months), and while i've learned a great deal in a short time the knowledge is split between Linux (specifically Red Hat) and AIX. Additionally I work three long days, so the extra exposure to the Linux environment and other administrators is appealing and beneficial. From reading the tickets it appears that docker is used, which is something that I also find interesting and would like to learn more about how it actually used, set up and administered as well. I understand shell scripting, specifically bash and loops, i'd like to get better with those. I've also done some work with python scripts via code academy and would like to learn more about how that applies to an administration. As far as skilled I am told by my co-workers that I am good and troubleshooting and tracking down what is causing an issue and when I ask questions they are usually the well thought out and relevant to solving the problem at hand. I am also told that I am a quick learner.
What you would like to work on.:
I've seen some scripting tickets in the queue that would be of interest to me, also a docker related ticket. Additionally I am interested in the apprentice group and will likely also situate myself with the documentation group after a bit as it seems to me that a person working on a system and at some stage making changes, or close to those doing so, would be a prime candidate to document it.
Dave Shier