Hello all, There was recently a discussion on the Fedora Rel-Eng list as the result of a Project Planning workflow[0]. As this was discussed further in irc it was decided that this is likely a conversation that should be had across more Fedora groups to see if there's a solution that we would all like to utilize. If we can all agree on a workflow and utility we'll hopefully remove the potential for duplicating efforts or requesting multiple solutions to the same problem be hosted by the Infrastructure team. In an attempt to not cross-post I am duplicating this post on the rel-eng, qa, infrastructure, docs, buildsys, and env-and-stacks mailing lists. I would like to request that if there are any discussions around this, please rely to the rel-eng list so we can consolidate the discussion.
All interested parties please fill out the following WhenIsGood so that we can find a meeting time to discuss this.
Thank you, -AdamM
[0] - https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/rel-eng/2015-April/019806.html