During a package review[1] it has become apparent that the PHP packaging guidelines[2] need to be updated. Remi, it should not be my job to request or do the work that you and your SIG should be doing.
Please discuss the following changes and any others that have now become required for new PHP packages. If I must I will create a ticket with FPC.
1. State that phpcompatinfo needs to be run. 2. Clearly define that virtual provides, even of core PHP modules, must be Requires. The current text looks like only non-core modules are Requires. 3. Add a section for tests. You state they are a "MUST" but the guidelines do not mention tests at all. 4. Extend the composer section to require an autoloader and composer.json file.
Thank you, Michael
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1231318 [2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:PHP
Le 23/06/2015 16:16, Michael Cronenworth a écrit :
During a package review[1] it has become apparent that the PHP packaging guidelines[2] need to be updated. Remi, it should not be my job to request or do the work that you and your SIG should be doing.
Please discuss the following changes and any others that have now become required for new PHP packages. If I must I will create a ticket with FPC.
- State that phpcompatinfo needs to be run.
I don't see the need for this. Nothing "mandatory". This is only a packaging tips.
- Clearly define that virtual provides, even of core PHP modules, must
be Requires. The current text looks like only non-core modules are Requires.
Guidelines explain "all modules", and php-date is given as an example.
- Add a section for tests. You state they are a "MUST" but the
guidelines do not mention tests at all.
Test are a SHOULD. Standard Guidelines.
In some case this is just not possible (I see awfull example requiring running "various" vagrant images, requiring root privileges, and not available dependencies)
But yes, for me, this is a MUST (when possible)
- Extend the composer section to require an autoloader and
composer.json file.
Again, just a packaging tips. Nothing mandatory. Just a helper.
Thank you, Michael
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1231318 [2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:PHP
php-devel mailing list php-devel@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/php-devel
On 06/23/2015 10:32 AM, Remi Collet wrote:
I don't see the need for this. Nothing "mandatory". This is only a packaging tips.
You're the only one who knows this. It's not stated anywhere in the Fedora wiki. It helps define what Requires should be placed. It's more than a "tip".
Guidelines explain "all modules", and php-date is given as an example.
That's not clear enough.
Test are a SHOULD. Standard Guidelines.
PHP tests are different. They require configuration that isn't standard. A mention of PHPUnit or finding BuildRequires with phpcompatinfo is helpful.
Again, just a packaging tips. Nothing mandatory. Just a helper.
It is not helpful to keep all of this information to yourself. Non-PHP SIG reviewers missed this information. I find that troubling. All of the PHP packages that you do not maintain do not follow the same set of guidelines that you have started requesting. It would be beneficial to update the guidelines and send a notice to devel@fp.o requesting packagers to retroactively follow the updated set.
Thanks, Michael