On Sun, 2016-08-21 at 14:55 -0400, Randy Barlow wrote:
When the docker client attempts to pull, the first thing it does it to perform a GET /v2/. The registry *must* respond with a particular header that indicates that it is a Docker v2 registry, and include {} as the body response. Due to the way our mirrors currently operate, I do not believe we will be able to have the /v2/ path without negotiating for that with our mirrors. I suspect that many mirror admins would not like to give us that path. This is why the plan is to have all Fedora docker clients perform docker pull against Mirror List, so that Mirror List can send the required /v2/ response and then send them the metalink when the user requests the manifest.
I don't know why it didn't occur to me before, but there is one more option we could consider. We could also write a patch for the docker client to allow a path other than /v2/ to be specified during a Docker pull. Of course, this patch may also be difficult to get accepted upstream, but if we could get it accepted upstream it might make negotiation with mirror admins easier. The docker client will still look for the header that declares the other end to be a v2 registry though, so mirror admins would still need to make sure that header is sent with requests in the Docker path.