As some of you may have noted, I've been building up some new hosts of late. I thought I would give an overview here and plans moving forward and provide a list left to do for those folks in sysadmin-main who wish to help out. :)
We have 4 old xen boxes that are going out of service at the end of next month, so we need to get all guests off them before then. Those are: xen03, xen05, xen09, xen15.
We have new machines: virthost05-10 and bvirthost04
On the rel-eng side:
* I have setup a releng03 to replace releng01 on bvirthost04 * I have setup a releng04 to replace releng02 on bvirthost01 * I have setup a kojipkgs02 to replace kojipkgs02 on bvirthost04
I need to get them finished up and access to the netapp mounts, then we can look at migrating over to them. Once we migrate, bxen03 will be empty and can be re-installed as bvirthost05. We might look then at moving things around a bit to take advantage of bvirthost05. The only outage here would be kojipkgs, and we could make that pretty short/fast.
On the staging front:
* We need to make a db02.stg thats rhel6. Soon all our db's will be rhel6, and we want staging to match up. I think we should use virthost10 for this.
* We need to migrate fas01.stg and pkgs01.stg to virthost10. These are already rhel6. I suppose we could re-install them, but migrating seems reasonable to me.
* We may want to migrate some or all the stg on virthost13. virthost13 is now out of warentee. We might not care too much since it's only stg there. Thoughts?
On the production front:
* I have made a db01 on virthost04. This will replace db02. I'd like to look at doing this wed next week. (2011-09-07). This WILL require an outage, since db02 has fas on it along with many other things. Should we do this outage in the evening? Other thoughts on time?
* I have made a bastion03 on virthost04. This will replace bastion02. We will need to swap IP's for it to work with the external IP in phx2. I figure we can do this at the same time as the db outage above.
* Machines that still need building/setting up for you sysadmin-main folks who want to help out:
- bastion04 to replace bastion01. Should be on a different virthost from bastion03.
- proxy08 to replace proxy1 (rhel5).
- value03 and value04 (on different virthosts) to replace value01/02.
- app02 and app04 are on those xen boxes, so we need to move them. We can't do RHEL6 yet however. So, we could wait a bit more in hopes of being able to rebuild them as RHEL6, or just migrate them, or rebuild them as RHEL5.
Once this is all done that leaves us with just xen04 as a xen box in phx2. We can then look at moving stuff off it and repaving it as virthost11.