Hello All,
Just thought I'd do a progress/status update on packages. Most of the
information is already on the wiki [1] page but maybe a little context
might assist.
First some stats. We have 9071 unique (not counting multiple NVR
builds of the same package) packages built and tagged into f-17
compared to 11345 in Mainline. So without taking Excludes/exclusive
we've got a basic delta of around 2274 packages to go, some of these
will be hard, with webkit/ruby this should close out some more but the
last could also be the hardest.
We now have a ruby and webkit* set of builds. Ruby was blocking a lot
of lower level system libraries due to the associated bindings.
webkitgtk3 in particular was block just about all the UX packages. Not
because they use it but rather just about any app that connects to the
net uses a tiny little library called libproxy which has a webkit
plugin. With those packages fixed we unlock koji to ramp up through
those. Thanks for everyone's help on getting those unblocked.
Now onto the rest....
The next 3 packages I can already hear the groans about:
- prelink - I know we don't really care about it but unfortunately a
number of packages depend on it. It's broken upstream so if someone
could poke Jakub to glue it back together that would be grand.
- valgrind - I've managed to get it to build on hardfp locally so I
suspect it's mostly a case of looking at the crack that's in the spec
to get the right combo. I've not had much luck unfortunately
- systemtap - I think this might depend on java so really not too sure here.
- Java: a whole topic in and of itself. Upstream have changed the
java-1.6.0-openjdk package not to provide "java" because java 6 is
about to go EOL and we all know how secure it is so the Java team are
looking to kill it. Problem is java-1.7.0-openjdk doesn't currently
build. I've had some email backwards and forwards to let the Java team
know our predicament and they've said they'll look to see if they can
pull forward the missing bits for us. Hopefully we should see some
movement here soon. Andrew please feel free to chime in here and fill
in the gaps.
Other packages that are hitting the radar:
- mysql - a lot of packages have an option to connect to a mysql DB
(IE client side support) so this is blocking quite a bit. I think we
now have a known fix and just need to update the kernels on the
- parted - 1 test fails, it use to build. Being disk related it would
be good if someone could look at this closer
- emacs - love it or hate it things do depend on it for what ever
reason. It use to work so shouldn't be too hard
- ceph - needs investigation, basically all cloud related things
depend on this because libvirt depends on it
- mono - Needs hardfp support upstream. I think in the short term we
should just pull in the hack the other distros are using. Thoughts?
- plpa - Needs investigation. Might have a documented fix from bringup
that needs to be upstreamed
- geoclue - broken upstream, lots of gnome depends on it for
geolocation, broken in the f-17 dev cycle. Embarrassingly my package
but I'm not a coder and have been busy elsewhere ;-) Beer offered for
- perl-Moose - possibly some crazy perl circular dep
- libEMF - needs investigation
Overall there should be some fun and games there for all members of
the family to get their teeth stuck into. Now that my head is coming
back up from under water I'll do my best to try and keep this thread
updated every couple of days as we cross things off and other things
float to the top. Let me know if you fix something, have a fix that
needs committing, have a question or general update.
Thoughts, questions?
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/Fedora17_rawhide
f15stats.html :: Wed Feb 29 13:05:02 UTC 2012 -- Thu Mar 1 13:05:01 UTC 2012
Errors Unbuilt Different Working Built
573 [+1] 571 [-1] 312 [0] 0 [0] 8960 [0]
f17stats.html :: Wed Feb 29 13:05:02 UTC 2012 -- Thu Mar 1 13:05:02 UTC 2012
Errors Unbuilt Different Working Built
291 [-54] 1622 [-83] 136 [-7] 6 [-5] 9288 [+147]
* "Different" contains packages that are built but have a varying ENVR to that of PA-Koji
* "Working" lists any packages currently being built
* The numbers in the brackets show the difference recorded in the counts since the script was last run
* http://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/~jchiappetta/fxxstats.html
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/ARM/F15_Koji_build