On 08/28/2017 08:26 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Bob,
> On Mon, August 28, 2017 8:17 am, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>> On 08/28/2017 07:56 AM, Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> Robert Moskowitz <rgm(a)htt-consult.com> writes:
>>>>>> What is different between these two images? It is the same
>>>>>> Cubieboard.
>>>>> Different images have different services enabled by default, is
>>>>> rng-tools intsalled by default on server image?
>>>> Just checked and
>>>> Package rng-tools-5-9.fc26.armv7hl is already installed
>>> But is rngd actually running?
>> My limited experience with the Centos7-arm build was install and it
>> runs. I would have to check to see what services are there...
>> Again, limited experience, but on C7 without rngd, I was only seeing ~80
>> for entropy. Added rng-tools and it 'jumped' to ~800. Added haveged
>> and it went up to ~2500. My F26 workstation with Xfce was showing
>> ~3000. All on the same Cubieboard2.
> There is going to be more entropy gained from an actual window system
> because you have (theoretically) more interrupts happening due to user
> interaction. It's also possible that Xfce itself works to add entropy to
> the system on top of rngd?
Interesting, and probably right.
>>>> And after running dnf, entropy dropped to 324....
>>> Hmm.
>> I believe dnf uses https?
> I suppose that could pull some.
No suppose. We both know all the nonce cruft in TLS. We lived too many
of those meetings.
And if there is an ephemeral DH in there as well (depending on suite