* Ben Williams
* Blacksburg VA USA
* Windows-Linux Specialist
* Department of Mathematics Virginia Polytechnic Institute &
State University
* My goal for the Fedora is for it to be the best linux distro
* Historical qualifications
o I consider myself a novice at computer, enjoy learning more
and more everyday. started using linux with RH4 (not rhel4).
o I am a Windows System-Admin by training, but i also maintain
and 50 linux boxes on a daily basis.
o I deal with 250 endusers on a daily basis
pub 1024D/295A4FBC 2007-02-15
Key fingerprint = 7DC7 B470 4AEC 0187 A7EF 80D0 1957 4336 295A 4FBC
uid James B. Williams <jbwillia(a)math.vt.edu>
sub 1056g/6E2873A7 2007-02-15