It's been a while since I've spun up fedoraiot, so I thought I'd see where we'd got to, as I've now got a concrete usecase monitoring some solar panels. Unfortunately, when I put Fedora-IoT-32-20200603.0.aarch64.raw.xz onto an SDCard, the pi (3b+) boots and gets to a login prompt, but I cannot login; neither as `root` with no password on the console, nor ssh'ing as `root` after using the Zezere portal. I'm pretty sure that I'm using the right key (although the documentation is a bit light on what a good key content looks like). The `/portal/devices/` page shows that there's an action to upload a key, with a `cancel runrequest` button, but no indication that more is happening.
Any hints or tips / troubleshooting approaches?