On 19/10/16 03:50, Germano Massullo wrote:
By several months, the entire management of multiple users sessions is broken. In past I used sometimes to leave my machine to another person, so I locked my user session, and started another user "foo" session. Then when user foo finished to use my machine, he ended his session, so I unlocked mine and continued to work normally.
Now such actions are no longer possible in Plasma 5 because for unknown reasons, the locked user session will be killed as soon you start another user session.
Any feedbacks about?
kde mailing list -- kde@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to kde-leave@lists.fedoraproject.org
I normally have two session open in KDE but don't have that issue. I do have a fixed Xorg.conf file and that may make the difference.
F23 and F24
Robin Laing wrote on 10/19/2016 07:15 PM:
On 19/10/16 03:50, Germano Massullo wrote:
By several months, the entire management of multiple users sessions is broken. In past I used sometimes to leave my machine to another person, so I locked my user session, and started another user "foo" session. Then when user foo finished to use my machine, he ended his session, so I unlocked mine and continued to work normally.
Now such actions are no longer possible in Plasma 5 because for unknown reasons, the locked user session will be killed as soon you start another user session.
Any feedbacks about?
kde mailing list -- kde@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to kde-leave@lists.fedoraproject.org
I normally have two session open in KDE but don't have that issue. I do have a fixed Xorg.conf file and that may make the difference.
F23 and F24
I also see this on F25 after unclean upgrade from F23. I am using built-in Intel graphics and no nvidia or others. Creating an xorg.conf also fixed it for me:
su cd /root Xorg :1 -configuration cp xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf (comment out (#) Files Section lines from "Section "Files"" to "EndSection". Leave the rest alone.) systemctl restart sddm (or just reboot).
Note: Switching user worked OK on F23 before upgrade that still used kdm and not sddm (I think).
Robin Laing wrote on 10/19/2016 07:15 PM:
On 19/10/16 03:50, Germano Massullo wrote:
By several months, the entire management of multiple users sessions is broken. In past I used sometimes to leave my machine to another person, so I locked my user session, and started another user "foo" session. Then when user foo finished to use my machine, he ended his session, so I unlocked mine and continued to work normally.
Now such actions are no longer possible in Plasma 5 because for unknown reasons, the locked user session will be killed as soon you start another user session.
Any feedbacks about?
kde mailing list -- kde@lists.fedoraproject.org To unsubscribe send an email to kde-leave@lists.fedoraproject.org
I normally have two session open in KDE but don't have that issue. I do have a fixed Xorg.conf file and that may make the difference.
F23 and F24
I also see this on F25 after unclean upgrade from F23. I am using built-in Intel graphics and no nvidia or others. Creating an xorg.conf also fixed it for me:
su cd /root Xorg :1 -configuration cp xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf (comment out (#) Files Section lines from "Section "Files"" to "EndSection". Leave the rest alone.) systemctl restart sddm (or just reboot).
Note: Switching user worked OK on F23 before upgrade that still used kdm and not sddm (I think).