On 01/26/2014 05:07 PM, Markus Slopianka wrote:
Hi. Considering that the core team wants to take its time to release F21, KApps 4.x now have a shorter release cycle than 6 months, and kdelibs and Plasma are in feature freeze anyway, is there a chance KApps 4.13 will end up in F20?
We can consider it. Looks like 4.13 may land some significant changes (nepomuk -> baloo change), so will require careful scrutiny and testing.
-- Rex
On Tuesday 28 January 2014 10:28:12 Rex Dieter wrote:
We can consider it. Looks like 4.13 may land some significant changes (nepomuk -> baloo change), so will require careful scrutiny and testing.
So far I have yet to see a f*ckup by Vishesh, the current Nepomuk/Baloo maintainer. Nepomuk 2.0 required reindexing the data -- hardly the end of the world. When we wrote the announcement(s), we put the info about reindexing right on the main announcement page and every IT news website picked it up and I don't recall any user complaints.
As a kde-unstable user you can expect that I'll do my share in testing and bug reporting. :-)