At our last Server WG meeting, I volunteered to write-up requirements for installing wildfly. Unfortunately, some
health issues last weekend got in the way, but everything seems back to normal now.
I managed to locate an ansible role on github by KAMI911 called ansible-role-wildfly. It comes reasonably close to what
I would envision the Server WG to publish and support. It is helping me to formulate a list of requirements.
ansible-role-wildfly supports an older version of wildfly and doesn't play too well with systemd. But it has a lot of
good things that do work.
I am in the process of trying to support the most recent version of wildfly and to properly interface with systemd. If
I am lucky, it should be able to support simultaneous installations of different version of wildfly. I also need to
strip out the installation of the java JDK from this role and put that into it's own role.
All my previous experience with JEE servers has been with WebSphere and WebLogic. Wildfly uses a very different java
classloading system. So when I finish my work from above, I will try to use one of RedHat tutorials to write, build,
deploy and test the wildfly setup.
I am not familiar with the Continuous Integration setup on github. The ansible-role-wildfly has several directories
full of configuration and testing stuff to interface with CI on github. Perhaps when I finish my work, someone else can
implement the CI stuff.
I will try to publish a basic requirements document for Server crafted and supported roles either sometime next week or
the following week.
That's all for now.