=================================================================== #fedora-meeting-1: Server Working Group Weekly Meeting (2017-01-10) ===================================================================
Meeting started by sgallagh at 21:01:24 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2017-01-10/server_working... .
Meeting summary - --------------- * roll call (sgallagh, 21:01:26)
* agenda (sgallagh, 21:03:39) * Agenda Item: Bikeshed on a marketing-friendly name for the modular Server (sgallagh, 21:03:58) * Agenda Item: Feedback on the Domain Controller Role first draft (sgallagh, 21:03:58) * Agenda Item: Official media support for Fedora Server (sgallagh, 21:03:58) * Agenda Item: Banner images in the installer (sgallagh, 21:03:58) * Agenda Item: WG Membership Check-in (sgallagh, 21:03:58) * mhayden and dustymabe created a document about cloud base image use cases and target users (dustymabe, 21:06:48) * LINK: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/server@lists.fedoraproject.org... (dustymabe, 21:07:05) * ACTION: All Server WG members are requested to review the cloud image document and provide feedback before the next meeting (sgallagh, 21:08:13)
* WG Membership Check-in (sgallagh, 21:12:06) * All currently-seated members of the WG would like to retain their seats. (sgallagh, 21:22:10)
* Banner images in the installer (sgallagh, 21:22:43) * LINK: https://pagure.io/design/issue/438#comment-45868 (sgallagh, 21:28:11) * AGREED: Server SIG would like to see a banner ad for Cockpit describing how to access it and to promote Ansible for management. (sgallagh, 21:35:15) * ACTION: dperpeet to coordinate between Design Team and Cockpit Team for an updated Cockpit banner (sgallagh, 21:37:10) * We considered a FreeIPA banner, but we're going to hold off on it until we have an improved deployment option. (sgallagh, 21:45:07) * LINK: https://pagure.io/design/issue/raw/files/ccedf7827a0a87e18092a8ab739739c4696... (vvaldez, 21:46:57) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server (sgallagh, 21:59:30) * AGREED: installer banner with a pointer to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server and a motto: “Fedora Server SIG: Help design the future, today” (vvaldez, 22:01:36) * AGREED: We also want a banner reading "Fedora Server SIG | Help design the future, today | https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server" in similar style to the CentOS SIG banners (sgallagh, 22:01:42) * ACTION: sgallagh to return this feedback to the design team ticket (sgallagh, 22:02:27)
* Open Floor (sgallagh, 22:02:38)
Meeting ended at 22:05:39 UTC.
Action Items - ------------ * All Server WG members are requested to review the cloud image document and provide feedback before the next meeting * dperpeet to coordinate between Design Team and Cockpit Team for an updated Cockpit banner * sgallagh to return this feedback to the design team ticket
Action Items, by person - ----------------------- * dperpeet * dperpeet to coordinate between Design Team and Cockpit Team for an updated Cockpit banner * sgallagh * sgallagh to return this feedback to the design team ticket * **UNASSIGNED** * All Server WG members are requested to review the cloud image document and provide feedback before the next meeting
People Present (lines said) - --------------------------- * sgallagh (130) * vvaldez (27) * nirik (20) * dperpeet (19) * zodbot (16) * jds2001 (15) * smooge (13) * adamw (6) * dustymabe (4) * mjwolf (4) * geppetto (3) * roshi (3) * mhayden (2)
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