On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 11:38 AM Peter Boy pboy@uni-bremen.de wrote:
I’m still doing various test for my Fedora Server documentation about usage of SBC [1] and a scheduled Fedora Magazine article about Fedora Server and Arm SBC.
After some difficulties regarding Odroid and Banana Pi I now got hold of an Radxa Rock Pi 4 to explore and test an alternative hardware to Raspberry Pi 4
During first start, after the grub menu was displayed the monitor lost connection and showed nothing. But the device bootet correctly and I had access over network. After an update the monitor worked correctly anything else I tried was fine.
When I connected a NVMe SSD it didn’t boot anymore. I had to re-flash the SD card and start over. It worked than but didn’t show the NVMe.
When I tried an Ubuntu image as delivered by Radxa the NMMe worked fine (with the Radxa provided uboot). So the hardware setup is OK. I tried Armbian (using mainline uboot as it states) and it worked fine with NVMe.
Is there a way to access NVMe in Fedora?
And if it is, is there a way to flash the SPI with fedora so I can boot from NVMe? There seems to be some provision for this, but I can't figure out the details.
Does it have SPI flash? Looking at the specs [1] there's no mention of it, and in the photos on that page some have the SPI populated, others have it missing.
[1] https://wiki.radxa.com/Rockpi4/getting_started#get_start_specs