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First FEDORA AMBASSADORS DAY (FAD EMEA) =======================================
The Fedora Ambassador Day (FAD) is where Ambassadors and other interested members of the Fedora Community come together to plan for future Fedora events and get to know each other. This is your chance to meet other Fedora community members (Ambassadors, Developers) in person.
We are proud to invite you to the first FAD in EMEA.
The Event will start
date ==== December 1st, 2006 (6 pm GMT+1) till December 3rd, 2006
location ======== Werner Mennicke Haus Rührberg e.V. Im Grossfeld 2 D-79639 Grenzach-Wyhlen - Germany -
Agenda ======
Friday ------ afternoon: „come together“
Saturday -------- morning: Keynote from a FAMSCO Member small introduction of the participants
afternoon: planning EMEA events for 2007 Breakout-sessions
evening: Surprise event with local „Linux Users“
Sunday ------ if desired, visiting University of Basel with introduction in the used Red Hat Cluster
Additional information
* Accommodation * we have to pay per night and person EUR 5,50 / each. * We have the following rooms: -1- room with bunk bed, cupboard and washbasin -1- room with three bunk beds, cupboard and washbasin -4- rooms with each bunk bed, cupboard and washbasin -1- big room with five bunk beds and cupboards there are different showers and toilets.
* You have to take care by your own for bed sheets, sleeping bag and your pillow.
* Meals * Organized. Please indicate if you have special dietary requirements (vegetarian, allergies, ...)
* Trip-planing * next airport Basel – Mulhouse (international airport) * next railway-station Lörrach * best reachable railway-station Basel (Badischer Bahnhof) * by car Google Maps is your friend :)
* Registration * please send your engaging registration latest November, 18th by E-Mail to
We were looking forward to see you soon and it would be a pleasure to have you all at the first event of this kind.