Regarding the Nei Ma problem I asked last time. it is resolved now. The characters can
be shown by switching to big5.
> I tried to type some characters and punctuation marks by Nei Ma, but they
> cannot be displayed (please see attachment). For example, "a141" is the key
> for comma in Chinese. It is frequently used.
Below are some other questions I have now:
1) Another question is, is there any shortcut key for switching between
input methods? In xcin and iiimf, I type 'ctrl' + 'alt' + 'number' to
switch. How about scim?
Also, in FC4, I can type 'shift' + punctuation under any input method
to get a Chinese punctuation. For example,
shift + comma = , (Chinese comma)
shift + period = 。 (Chinese period)
Can it work in FC5 too?
2) For Chinese input methods, nine characters are shown in one page usually.
But for ChuYin and Dayi in scim, there are ten characters in one page,
which makes users hard to migrate. Is there a way to change it?
3) Finally, I found x window not so stable. I was composing an email and
editing a text file. It crashed when I switched between input methods.
Also, when I hit Enter, the cursor moved down slowly. It that because
it is still a test version?
Thanks a lot!!