I was under the impression DNF5 was being held of until F39?
On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 10:32 AM Ian Laurie ilaurie@bigpond.net.au wrote:
I was under the impression DNF5 was being held of until F39?
"dnf5" is a separate package from "dnf" (version 4 in F38). It's already in stable repos, and you can install it and experiment with it, if you wish. "dnf" is going to stay at version 4 in F38, don't worry.
On Wed, 2023-05-31 at 10:47 +0200, Kamil Paral wrote:
On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 10:32 AM Ian Laurie ilaurie@bigpond.net.au wrote:
I was under the impression DNF5 was being held of until F39?
"dnf5" is a separate package from "dnf" (version 4 in F38). It's already in stable repos, and you can install it and experiment with it, if you wish. "dnf" is going to stay at version 4 in F38, don't worry.
well, it's a bit more complicated than that. Even in Rawhide, dnf5 is packaged as...dnf5. The difference is that in Rawhide, dnf5 will shortly be made to obsolete dnf, and provide some stuff that was previously in dnf package, including /usr/bin/dnf.
In F38, dnf5 will never obsolete dnf and will never provide /usr/bin/dnf , so dnf 4 will always be the 'default' dnf.