The following Fedora 27 Security updates need testing: Age URL 73 bro-2.5.3-1.fc27 22 remctl-3.14-1.fc27 17 opencv-3.2.0-15.fc27 12 scummvm-tools-2.0.0-1.fc27 scummvm-2.0.0-1.fc27 11 zsh-5.4.1-3.fc27 9 ruby-2.4.4-88.fc27 9 community-mysql-5.7.22-1.fc27 6 knot-resolver-2.3.0-1.fc27 4 dpdk-17.08.2-1.fc27 4 php-7.1.17-1.fc27 3 drupal7-7.59-1.fc27 2 drupal8-8.4.8-1.fc27 0 perl-Dancer2-0.206000-1.fc27
The following Fedora 27 Critical Path updates have yet to be approved: Age URL 27 linux-firmware-20180402-83.git8c1e439c.fc27 12 iptables-1.6.2-2.fc27 9 perl-Carp-1.42-395.fc27 7 redhat-rpm-config-78-1.fc27 3 mingw-libwebp-1.0.0-1.fc27 libwebp-1.0.0-1.fc27 1 gpgme-1.10.0-4.fc27.1 1 libnfs-1.11.0-1.fc27 0 selinux-policy-3.13.1-283.34.fc27
The following builds have been pushed to Fedora 27 updates-testing
R-commonmark-1.5-1.fc27 R-reticulate-1.7-1.fc27 caddy-0.10.14-1.fc27 ckeditor-4.9.2-1.fc27 copr-cli-1.69-1.fc27 copyq-3.4.0-1.fc27 cri-o-1.10.0-28.gita221a5d.fc27 java-openjdk- jpegoptim-1.4.6-1.fc27 nfdump-1.6.17-1.fc27 php-grasmash-expander-1.0.0-1.fc27 php-paragonie-constant-time-encoding-1.0.3-1.fc27 php-paragonie-random-compat-2.0.12-1.fc27 php-react-promise-stream-1.1.1-2.fc27 php-ringcentral-psr7-1.2.2-1.fc27 php-simplesamlphp-saml2_3-3.1.5-1.fc27 python-copr-1.88-1.fc27 python-fastimport-0.9.8-1.fc27 rtorrent-0.9.6-10.fc27 rubygem-domain_name-0.5.20180417-1.fc27 squeezelite- utf8proc-2.1.1-2.fc27
Details about builds:
================================================================================ R-commonmark-1.5-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-ced4c1a36c) High Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to latest version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1572932 - R-commonmark-1.5 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ R-reticulate-1.7-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-47769aedb2) R Interface to Python -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Initial package of reticulate for R -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1572960 - Review Request: R-reticulate - R Interface to Python --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ caddy-0.10.14-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-b5857d400a) HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
- Latest upstream - Overhaul %%prep to extract everything with %%setup - Edit lego providers to require acmev2 instead of acme - Add provides for specific providers from %%import_path_dnsproviders and %%import_path_lego - Add azure dns provider on f28+ - Enable geoip plugin on EL7 - Only provide bundled geoip/realip/dnsproviders/lego when the respective plugin is enabled -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sat Apr 21 2018 Carl George - 0.10.14-1 - Latest upstream - Overhaul %prep to extract everything with %setup - Edit lego providers to require acmev2 instead of acme - Add provides for specific providers from %import_path_dnsproviders and %import_path_lego - Add azure dns provider on f28+ * Fri Apr 20 2018 Carl George - 0.10.11-6 - Enable geoip plugin on EL7 - Only provide bundled geoip/realip/dnsproviders/lego when the respective plugin is enabled --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ ckeditor-4.9.2-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-e29c7d10da) WYSIWYG text editor to be used inside web pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
## 4.9.2 ### Security Updates - Fixed XSS vulnerability in the Enhanced Image (image2) plugin reported by Kyaw Min Thein. - Issue summary: It was possible to execute XSS inside CKEditor using the <img> tag and specially crafted HTML. Please note that the default presets (Basic/Standard/Full) do not include this plugin, so you are only at risk if you made a custom build and enabled this plugin. ## 4.9.1 ### Fixed Issues - #1835: Fixed: Integration between CKFinder and File Browser plugin does not work. ## 4.9.0 ### New Features - #932: Introduced Easy Image feature for inserting images that are automatically rescaled, optimized, responsive and delivered through a blazing-fast CDN. Three new plugins were added to support it: - Easy Image - Cloud Services - Image Base - #1338: Keystroke labels are displayed for function keys (like F7, F8). - #643: The File Browser plugin can now upload files using XHR requests. This allows for setting custom HTTP headers using the config.fileTools_requestHeaders configuration option. - #1365: The File Browser plugin uses XHR requests by default. - #1399: Added the possibility to set CKEDITOR.config.startupFocus as start or end to specify where the editor focus should be after the initialization. - #1441: The Magic Line plugin line element can now be identified by the data-cke-magic-line="1" attribute. ### Fixed Issues - #595: Fixed: Pasting does not work on mobile devices. - #869: Fixed: Empty selection clears cached clipboard data in the editor. - #1419: Fixed: The Widget Selection plugin selects the editor content with the Alt+A key combination on Windows. - #1274: Fixed: Balloon Toolbar does not match a single selected image using the contextDefinition.cssSelectormatcher. - #1232: Fixed: Balloon Toolbar buttons should be registered as focusable elements. - #1342: Fixed: Balloon Toolbar should be re-positioned after the change event. - #1426: [IE8-9] Fixed: Missing Balloon Toolbar background in the Kama skin. Thanks to Christian Elmer! - #1470: Fixed: Balloon Toolbar is not visible after drag and drop of a widget it is attached to. - #1048: Fixed: Balloon Panel is not positioned properly when a margin is added to its non-static parent. - #889: Fixed: Unclear error message for width and height fields in the Image and Enhanced Image plugins. - #859: Fixed: Cannot edit a link after a double-click on the text in the link. - #1013: Fixed: Paste from Word does not work correctly with the config.forcePasteAsPlainText option. - #1356: Fixed: Border parse function does not allow spaces in the color value. - #1010: Fixed: The CSS border shorthand property was incorrectly expanded ignoring the border-color style. - #1535: Fixed: Widget mouseover border contrast is insufficient. - #1516: Fixed: Fake selection allows removing content in read-only mode using the Backspace and Delete keys. - #1570: Fixed: Fake selection allows cutting content in read-only mode using the Ctrl/Cmd + X keys. - #1363: Fixed: Paste notification is unclear and it might confuse users. ### API Changes - #1346: Balloon Toolbar context manager API is now available in the pluginDefinition.init method of the requiringplugin. - #1530: Added the possibility to use custom icons for buttons. ### Other Changes - Updated SCAYT (Spell Check As You Type) and WebSpellChecker plugins: - SCAYT scayt_minWordLength configuration option now defaults to 3 instead of 4. - SCAYT default number of suggested words in the context menu changed to 3. - #90: Fixed: Selection is lost on link creation if SCAYT highlights the word. - Fixed: SCAYT crashes when the browser localStorage is disabled. - [IE11] Fixed: Unable to get property type of undefined or null reference error in the browser console when SCAYT is disabled/enabled. - #46: Fixed: Editing is blocked when remote spell checker server is offline. - Fixed: User Dictionary cannot be created in WSC due to You already have the dictionary error. - Fixed: Words with apostrophe ' on the replacement make the WSC dialog inaccessible. - Fixed: SCAYT/WSC causes the Uncaught TypeError error in the browser console. - #1337: Updated the samples layout with the new CKEditor 4 logo and color scheme. - #1591: CKBuilder and language tools are now downloaded over HTTPS. Thanks to August Detlefsen! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sun Apr 29 2018 Shawn Iwinski - 4.9.2-1 - Update to 4.9.2 (RHBZ #1556589) - Fix license files * Wed Feb 7 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 4.8.0-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1556589 - ckeditor-4.9.2 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ copr-cli-1.69-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-33e3bea3d3) Command line interface for COPR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
- fix non-passing unittests under f28+ - simplify bar.finish logic - rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation - fix #280 cli upload to nonexisting project makes terminal cursor disappear - fix #220 copr-cli doesn't display build progress in non-interactive terminal - add download-build --dest description to man page - add `copr delete-build` build into man pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Dominik Turecek 1.69-1 fix non-passing unittests under f28+ * Thu Apr 26 2018 Dominik Turecek 1.68-1 - simplify bar.finish logic - rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation - #280 cli upload to nonexisting project makes terminal cursor disappear - #220 copr-cli doesn't display build progress in non-interactive terminal - add download-build --dest description to man page - add `copr delete-build` build into man pages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ copyq-3.4.0-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-60f0d72549) Advanced clipboard manager -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Upstream release rhbz#1573011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sun Apr 29 2018 Gerald Cox - 3.4.0-1 - Upstream release rhbz#1573011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1573011 - Upstream release 3.4.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ cri-o-1.10.0-28.gita221a5d.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-f8b4f84d05) Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface for OCI-based containers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to latest version and fix crio.conf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-28.gita221a5d - autobuilt commit a221a5d * Fri Apr 27 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-27.gitc971f7b - autobuilt commit c971f7b * Thu Apr 26 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-26.git733d791 - autobuilt commit 733d791 * Tue Apr 24 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-25.git596d052 - autobuilt commit 596d052 * Tue Apr 17 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-24.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Tue Apr 17 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-23.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Mon Apr 16 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-22.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Mon Apr 16 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-21.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Mon Apr 16 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-20.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Mon Apr 16 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-19.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Sun Apr 15 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-18.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Sat Apr 14 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-17.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Fri Apr 13 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-16.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Thu Apr 12 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-15.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Wed Apr 11 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-14.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Tue Apr 10 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-13.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Tue Apr 10 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-12.gitc24e0d9 - autobuilt commit c24e0d9 * Tue Apr 10 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-11.git1eec122 - autobuilt commit 1eec122 * Mon Apr 9 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-10.git1eec122 - autobuilt commit 1eec122 * Mon Apr 9 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-9.git1eec122 - autobuilt commit 1eec122 * Sun Apr 8 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar (Bot) - 2:1.10.0-8.gitd0dbfe0 - autobuilt commit d0dbfe0 * Sun Apr 8 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:1.10.0-7.gitd0dbfe0 - autobuilt commit d0dbfe0 * Sun Apr 8 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:1.10.0-6.gitd0dbfe0 - autobuilt commit d0dbfe0 * Sun Apr 8 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar - 2:1.10.0-5.git86b61d4 - built commit 86b61d4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ java-openjdk- (FEDORA-2018-6bd87ab4e9) OpenJDK Runtime Environment 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Enables build flags injection for JDK 10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Apr 23 2018 Severin Gehwolf - 1: - Inject build flags properly. See RHBZ#1571359 - Added patch since doesn't get linker flags injected properly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1571359 - [java-openjdk] No build flags injection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ jpegoptim-1.4.6-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-4ca1dc9301) Utility to optimize JPEG files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
v1.4.6 - fix double free introduced in previous release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sat Apr 28 2018 Denis Fateyev - 1.4.6-1 - Update to version 1.4.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1568912 - jpegoptim-1.4.6 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ nfdump-1.6.17-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-0a7855714a) NetFlow collecting and processing tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
nfdump-1.6.17 --- - Add program exit in nfx.c after panic with correupt data file - Add missing size check when reading nfdump 1.5.x common record blocks - Add missing option -M in man page. Issue #103 - Add Fix processing of influx URL in nfprofile - Add missing json output format in nfdump help text - Add missing -v option in nfreplay help text - Add new output format json. Print each record as individual json object - Add sampling elements ID 302,304,305. put them identical to ID 48,49,50 - Add option to label filter terms. syntax: () %labelname. - Add %lbl option to print flow label in output - Add ipfix delta timestamp elements 158/159. - Add more detailed - softlink bootstrap - Add x-late src/dst ip aggregation, if compiled with NSEL support - Add ipfix sampling. Process option template/record with sampling elements 34 and 35 - Update nfdump.1 man page for xsrcport & xdstport aggregations. Request #109 - Update nfdump(1) man page for flowlabels - Update sflow code to commit 7322984 of - Merge pull request #51 Influxdb from Luca. Thx for the patch - Fix bug in sorting when guessing flow direction. Issue #92 - Fix minor bugs - Fix definition for InfluxDB in Issue #98 - Fix IPFIX time stamps - Fix elements #21,#22 offset calculation, but timestamps not yet evaluated. (#160) - Fix IPFIX add fwd status tag #89 compatible to v9 (1byte) - Fix IPFIX sampling - sampling algorithm no longer required for tag #34 - Fix IPFIX sampling add tags #305 and #304 - set them identical to #34, #35 - Fix header includes" - Fix 64bit fts compat issue in fts_compat.c - Fix potential memory leaks in nfpcapd - Fix wrong offset calculation if unknown options are found - Fix updates on existing samplers in v9 only if values change. issue 84 - Cleanup sflow code - uncomment unnecessary code nfdump-1.6.16 --- - Add support for CISCO IOS 8 bytes timestamps ID 21/22 - Fix issue #72 - multiple stat output - Change -B behaviour as proposed in issue #59. Should not impact with previous use, but is more flexible - Add bzip compress switch in usage output of nfpcapd - Fix compile issues on some platforms - nfpcapd improvements - still beta software. - Minor bug fixes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sat Apr 28 2018 Denis Fateyev - 1.6.17-1 - Update to version 1.6.17 * Thu Feb 8 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.6.15-6 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1509693 - nfdump-1.6.17 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-grasmash-expander-1.0.0-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-282d552b92) Expands internal property references in PHP arrays file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Expands internal property references in PHP arrays file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1570300 - Review Request: php-grasmash-expander - Expands internal property references in PHP arrays file --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-paragonie-constant-time-encoding-1.0.3-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-8a8069851d) Constant-Time Character Encoding in PHP Projects -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
update to 1.0.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Fran��ois Kooman - 1.0.3-1 - update to 1.0.3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-paragonie-random-compat-2.0.12-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-21a62db99d) PHP 5.x polyfill for random_bytes() and random_int() from PHP 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
### Version 2.0.12 - 2018-04-04 * Minor docblock issue that's breaking Psalm downstream. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Fri Apr 20 2018 Remi Collet - 2.0.12-1 - update to 2.0.12 * Fri Feb 9 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.11-2 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1564120 - php-paragonie-random-compat-2.0.12 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-react-promise-stream-1.1.1-2.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-799dbb8de1) The missing link between Promise-land and Stream-land for ReactPHP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
The missing link between Promise-land and Stream-land for ReactPHP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1570303 - Review Request: php-react-promise-stream - The missing link between Promise-land and Stream-land for ReactPHP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-ringcentral-psr7-1.2.2-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-be9d477b33) PSR-7 message implementation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
This repository contains a partial PSR-7 [1] message implementation, several stream decorators, and some helpful functionality like query string parsing. Currently missing ServerRequestInterface and UploadedFileInterface; a pull request for these features is welcome. [1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1570304 - Review Request: php-ringcentral-psr7 - PSR-7 message implementation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ php-simplesamlphp-saml2_3-3.1.5-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-93876457a2) SAML2 PHP library from SimpleSAMLphp (version 3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
## 3.1.5 - Add PHP 7.2 support - Fix wrong class name in ECP request processing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sun Apr 29 2018 Shawn Iwinski - 3.1.5-1 - Update to 3.1.5 (RHBZ #1568917) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1568917 - php-simplesamlphp-saml2_3-3.1.5 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-copr-1.88-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-33e3bea3d3) Python interface for Copr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
- fix non-passing unittests under f28+ - simplify bar.finish logic - rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation - fix #280 cli upload to nonexisting project makes terminal cursor disappear - fix #220 copr-cli doesn't display build progress in non-interactive terminal - add download-build --dest description to man page - add `copr delete-build` build into man pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Thu Apr 26 2018 Dominik Turecek 1.88-1 - rpkg deployment into COPR - containers + releng continuation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ python-fastimport-0.9.8-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-c642cc0df1) Python parser for fastimport (VCS interchange format) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Upstream release 0.9.8: fastimport/blob/upstream/0.9.8/NEWS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Dan Callaghan - 0.9.8-1 - upstream release 0.9.8: * Fri Feb 9 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.9.6-7 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1567672 - python-fastimport-0.9.8 is available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ rtorrent-0.9.6-10.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-04711c2a01) BitTorrent client based on libtorrent -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Fix rtorrent #449 - scheduled sorting/filtering bug on started and stopped views. From that bug: > Sorting the started view, such as on a schedule, causes the announces for all started torrents to fire. > > This can lead to announces being sent to trackers every second, in some schedules, which can lead to being banned from some trackers, or at the very least, a warning from the administrators about hammering the tracker. > > The suspected cause is that the torrents are all removed from the started view, and then added back in the specified order, which causes the state of the torrents to change from 1 to 0 to 1 again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Sat Apr 28 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.9.6-10 - rhbz# 1354125: Backport of upstream issue #449 fix * Fri Feb 9 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.9.6-9 - Rebuilt for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1354125 - Sorting 'started' view causes spurious/bad tracker announces -- patch available --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ rubygem-domain_name-0.5.20180417-1.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-bab65abf10) Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
New version 0.5.20180417 is released. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Mamoru TASAKA - 0.5.20180417-1 - 0.5.20180417 * Fri Feb 9 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.5.20170404-3 - Rebuilt for --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ squeezelite- (FEDORA-2018-fecdac1d58) Headless music player for streaming from Logitech Media Server -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Update to ---- Initial package. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1571757 - Review Request: squeezelite - Headless music player for streaming from Logitech Media Server --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
================================================================================ utf8proc-2.1.1-2.fc27 (FEDORA-2018-7c32281b26) Library for processing UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Information:
Fix missing build flags (RHBZ #1573115). ---- New upstream release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeLog:
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Milan Bouchet-Valat - 2.1.1-2 - Fix missing build flags (RHBZ #1573115). * Fri Apr 27 2018 Milan Bouchet-Valat - 2.1.1-1 - New upstream release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References:
[ 1 ] Bug #1573115 - utf8proc: Partial build flags injection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------