Hey guys
I was noticing that the Wiki page of Fedora Design [1]
<https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design> is pretty much outdated (5th
November 2015 was the last edit).
Could we put in some efforts to update it? I'm also trying to update
some of its content.
There are also some inaccuracies also, like the meeting being weekly
(not biweekly).
What do you think?
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design
Elio Qoshi
Open Source Designer
Board Member at Open Labs
Representative at Mozilla
E: ping(a)elioqoshi.me
W: www.elioqoshi.me
Originally posted on development mailing list.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Fedora 24 background is unsuitable
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2016 14:59:00 +0100
From: Richard Hughes <hughsient(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: Development discussions related to Fedora
To: Development discussions related to Fedora
For the upgrade feature the designers [sensibly] want me to use the
default background for the release we're upgrading to. When doing
F23->F24 this makes the upgrade UI look like a big boring black
square: http://imgur.com/dRY5iL6
Additionally, when upgraded, the darkness makes the GNOME Shell top
bar almost disappear visually which really doesn't work at all given
the special status it has. Is there any way we can either:
* Lighten up the background we have now so it's less black and soul-consuming
* Choose another background we can use for all spins
* Just use the existing awesome upstream GNOME artwork for the workstation
We already brand the workstation spin with the fedora background logo
on the wallpaper, in GDM, in the control center and in various other
places so I'm really confused why we've gone back to the days where we
needed to replace the background every cycle for all desktops when we
really only have one official workstation product.
devel mailing list
Hello testers and team,
f24-backgrounds is updated with new version of default wallpapers in
addition of its supplements. 24.1.1-1 is now pushed rather than 24.1.0-1
because of the recent changes based on feedback from Gnome Software
Please test it out from your favourite desktop environment for possible
Luya Tshimbalanga
Graphic & Web Designer
E: luya(a)fedoraproject.org
W: http://www.coolest-storm.net
Is there anyone understanding Ruby code? If so, would someone help
fixing the code to generate files for supplemental wallpapers [1] for
f24-backgrounds package as soon as possible because the current script
seems no longer work on that below example:
$ ruby generate-files.rb
generate-files.rb:24:in `initialize': no implicit conversion of Hash
into String (TypeError)
from generate-files.rb:24:in `new'
from generate-files.rb:24:in `<main>'
The script itself is older since around Fedora 17. I haven't learned how
to program ruby code so it will nice to make it easier to use.
[1] https://apps.fedoraproject.org/nuancier/results/5/
Luya Tshimbalanga
Graphic & Web Designer
E: luya(a)fedoraproject.org
W: http://www.coolest-storm.net
Hi folks,
I sent out a whenisgood.net a couple weeks ago to see when we should have
our meeting. Unfortunately, we're pretty widely dispersed so the time
results weren't great:
http://whenisgood.net/fedora-design/results/imgepc5 (note the timezones on
this chart will be bogus for you if you're not in US EDT - it's in the
timezone of the person who created it.)
So I'm not exactly sure what to do. An idea:
- We pick two rotating timeslots that we alternate between. (Too
complicated for people to remember and show up?)
- Would rotating timeslots be easier if we met every week instead of every
What do you think? Any other ideas?
Hi all,
Today, we put a brief and short planned period on the calendar for a
Fedora Badges Hack Session. In short, our target plans for tonight are
to touch on badge strategy with Fedora Hubs a little bit, and also
produce deliverables for some existing Badges tickets.
We'll likely try using Jitsi again for this, but if we have troubles, we
can move back to Google+. Please watch #fedora-commops for details on
the location as it comes closer to the time.
This is a late time for many in EMEA / APAC and we planned it last
minute, so it if it's a super late time for you, it's no problem if you
are unable to make it. Hopefully, soon we can try to find a more "ideal"
time for something like this in the coming future.
If you think you might be able to make it, please drop a reply on the
CommOps mailing list. Thanks!
Justin W. Flory
The Supplemental Wallpaper Contest is running this time very good, we have
207 badges for the voting so far, thats more then twice as last time.
I wrote down my thinkings about the future, I think with an small change to
the weight system we could open it next time for FAS account for vote.
br gnokii
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