On Mon, 2008-03-24 at 21:28 -0700, Andrew Farris wrote:
Both packages are there: http://limestone.uoregon.edu/ftp/fedora/development/x86_64/os/Packages/nemiv... http://limestone.uoregon.edu/ftp/fedora/development/i386/os/Packages/nemiver...
Actually, the package _isn't_ there. They should both be in the x86_64 tree (the i386 package simply duplicated into it). However, only the nemiver-devel.i386 is present, the base nemiver.i386 package is not there.
I can confirm that this also seems to happen with the download.fedora.redhat.com (the mirrors' master, IIRC)
This seems at first glance to me like a bug in whatever created the repo, since the devel subpackage contains an explicit dependency on the main package of the same NVR. Hmm. :|