On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 5:04 PM, Adam Jackson ajax@redhat.com wrote:
On Wed, 2010-01-06 at 11:11 -0500, Fulko Hew wrote:
I had a rant on the list about an equivalent issue a few months ago. As far as I'm concerned either developers should never assume fixed window sizes, or something/somewhere should auto-enable scroll bars if the requested window can't fit on the provided screen size. I think this would be easier to implement than auto-enabled vitrtual screen sizes.
So that 64x64 screen on your cell phone should be a reasonable target then, yes?
No, but then there's a lot of smart phones/mids/media players moving to the 800x480 res screens with 1Ghz+ processors now and while I see other alternatives rather than doing a traditional install on these sort of devices (liveinst from a livecd? dd of an image directly? something else I've missed entirely) I wouldn't rule out a massive amount of devices running at that res. I have a O2 Joggler which is a 800x480 touch screen atom based device with a EFI BIOS so can easily run Fedora. While that res has (thankfully) disappeared from netbooks its certainly not about to disappear any time soon.