Hi list:
I'm the packager of APLpy: http://aplpy.github.com/
I'm going to update it to a new version, which comes with a set of
tests, but I'm not sure about what to do with them. I asked upstream and
the answer is:
"The tests are there for us to diagnose any issues related to specific
dependency versions and platforms, and to make sure that we don't
break anything when making changes. It would be useful if you include
them so that we can ask users to run them if they are having issues we
can't reproduce, but you don't need to run the tests as part of the
I'm still not sure. Should I include them in the package?
Have a nice day,
Germán A. Racca
Fedora Package Maintainer
What does the Packaging Committee think about the following?
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/759823 is the review request for libkdtree++
That is a C++ template container implementation, which does not build a
shared library file to link with, but ships only C++ templates in header
The resulting -devel package needs to be handled in the same way than
a -static library package. Whenever there are important fixes in the
templates, dependencies may need to be rebuilt. Not limited to security
vulnerabilities. Any bug-fixes in the template implementation would only
propagate to applications when rebuilding the application packages.
I build my RPMs on one system but GPG sign them on another, which seems
to work fine with the rpmsign command. I was just wondering: is it
customary to sign just the source RPM, or both the source and binary
RPMs? Does it hurt anything to sign both?
Hi. This is my first post to this list. I'm trying to create my first
RPM, and I have some questions. (I hope this is the right place!) All my
previous packaging experience is with debs, so you'll forgive me if I
compare & contrast somewhat with the Debian process.
I should note: my source package is wrapped in autotools and should be
fully compatible with the usual --configure options.
1) My package is a game; does Fedora require games to be installed in
/usr/games like some distros do? (Debian also requires them to be put in
the games group.) If so, how should I adjust the my spec file so this is
done properly?
2) I have a desktop icon file that needs to be installed, but is not
installed automatically by "make install". Should I just use the
"install" command directly in the spec file, or is there some more
proper way to go about it? Currently I have this in the spec file
(haven't actually tested it yet):
desktop-file-install \
--dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications \
install -mu=rw,g=r,o=r -D gfifteen.svg \
I'm new to fedora rpm packaging. I have followed this link
I have already setup rpm development environment. Then I could give
following command,
# usermod -a -G mock <your username>
$ rpmdev-setuptree
$ cd ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
$ wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.7.tar.xz
$ cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
$ rpmdev-newspec hello
But when giving vi hello.spec command I can appear blank vim page. I can't
normaly .spec file. How can I normal spec file
Hi all,
I am using F16 and looking for a package of
Would you now one?
I've searched but did not find, I'm ready to package it, but if it
existed even on an old version, it could ease the work.
So, if someone in here knew one, I'd be glad to hear of it.
Thank you! :-)
Thanks for your replies. I'm following
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_a_GNU_Hello_RPM_package link
Now my aim is to get source of the* limesurevey*. Therefore, is there any
link to get that in limesurvey by using llink like
wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.7.tar.xz
else directly can I use zip file of downloded limesurvey,
On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Kevin Fenzi <kevin(a)scrye.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Apr 2012 08:28:57 +0530
> Buddhike Kurera <bckurera(a)fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> > On Sat, Apr 12, 2012 at 5:01 AM, Srineth Priyanka
> > <srineth.priyanka(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I started packaging Lime Survey. I contacted the lime survey team
> > > and they have no idea on limes survey package for RPM. But they
> > > will help me. I am new to RPM packaging to I m getting many errors.
> > > I m still learning and devel team is helping me a lot on the
> > > mailing list. I set up my idea of integrating FAS with lime survey.
> > > I ll update you soon.
> >
> > Hello Srineth,
> >
> > I saw your emails and seems you are enjoying RPM packaging. However
> > you can get some tips from the mentor. Please keep continues
> > communications with the mentor.
> Hello.
> Some more links for you:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=508817
> is the previous attempt to package limesurvy. You can reuse this spec
> file/package (as long as you credit the former authors in the
> changelog). Also, this might show some of the outstanding issues for
> it.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/Join
> has the full list of items to join package maintainers.
> I can review your packages and sponsor you when the time comes.
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Request_For_Resources
> and
> http://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/infra/docs/requestforresources.txt
> have some good information about how we deploy applications like this
> into fedora.
> > The primary mentor is Keven(I cc this mail). CC the emails to me as
> > well.(I like to co-mentor). I m sorry getting late to reply you.
> >
> > It is good if you can finish packaging with in the evaluation period.
> >
> > Happy Packaging !!
> Please do feel free to drop me emails whenever you like... happy to
> help.
> kevin