== Summary ==
redhat-rpm-config will be updated so users of the auto framework get
automated release and changelog bumping.
== Owner ==
* Name: [[User:nim| Nicolas Mailhot]]
* Email: <nicolas.mailhot at>
== Detailed Description ==
This is a system-wide change because all packages build with
redhat-rpm-config, but it only concerns packages that opted to use
this part of redhat-rpm-config (auto framework).
The change will make those packages auto-bump and auto-changelog at
the rpm level, in an infrastructure-independent way.
== Benefit to Fedora ==
Autobumping removes a huge packager shore and makes timestamping in
changelogs more reliable.
== Scope ==
* Proposal owners: The feature is coded and works at the rpm level.
Unfortunately, mock filters away the srpms containing the bump state,
so it does not work in upper layers.
* Other developers: The feature requires buy-in by mock developers
(and probably koji developers) to lift the restrictions that block it
above the rpm level. Also, it requires a mechanism to pass the user
name and email that will be used in bumped changelogs (defining two
variables in ~/.rpmmacros is sufficient at rpm level)
* Mock issue:
* Release engineering:
* Policies and guidelines: maybe eventually if things work out on the
technical level
* FPC issue:
* Trademark approval: N/A (not needed for this Change)
== Upgrade/compatibility impact ==
This is a pure build tooling update, it changes how things are built
not what is built.
== How To Test ==
A redhat-rpm-config packages with the changes and some example
packages are available in…
Since the mock/copr layer is currently blocking the feature, you need
to install the redhat-rpm-config and forge macro packages available in
this repo locally. Afterwards you can take any of the example packages
in the repo and rebuild them with rpmbuild -ba to your heart content,
and see the releases bump and the changelogs being updated
To get beautiful changelogs, you also need to add
%buildsys_name Your name
%buildsys_email Your email
in ~/.rpmmacros
== User Experience ==
N/A Packager experience change only
== Dependencies ==
The change is a spin-off of…
Therefore, it depends on the success of that other change and will
probably need rebasing if the code in this other change evolves during
the redhat-rpm-config merge.
It also depends on mock / copr/ koji buy-in and changes, that may add
their own requirements.
== Contingency Plan ==
There is no contingency plan because the change will happen or not at all.
== Documentation ==
There is as much documentation as the average redhat-rpm-config change
(ie comments in the macro files themselves)
== Release Notes ==
N/A Packager productivity change only
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Senior Program Manager, Fedora & CentOS Stream
Red Hat
Following is the list of topics that will be discussed in the FPC
meeting Thursday at 2019-08-15 16:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting-1 on
Local time information (via. uitime):
================= Day: Thursday ==================
2019-08-15 09:00 PDT US/Pacific
2019-08-15 12:00 EDT --> US/Eastern <--
2019-08-15 16:00 UTC UTC
2019-08-15 17:00 BST Europe/London
2019-08-15 18:00 CEST Europe/Berlin
2019-08-15 18:00 CEST Europe/Paris
2019-08-15 21:30 IST Asia/Calcutta
---------------- New Day: Friday -----------------
2019-08-16 00:00 HKT Asia/Hong_Kong
2019-08-16 00:00 +08 Asia/Singapore
2019-08-16 01:00 JST Asia/Tokyo
2019-08-16 02:00 AEST Australia/Brisbane
Links to all tickets below can be found at:
= Followups =
#topic #902 Cleanup & enhance spec files
.fpc 902
#topic #904 Caret versioning
.fpc 904
#topic #907 Which %__foo macros for executables are acceptable?
.fpc 907
#topic #909 Suggest that linting/measuring-coverage is not for %check
.fpc 909
#topic #914 Automatic R runtime dependencies
.fpc 914
= Open Floor =
For more complete details, please visit each individual ticket. The
report of the agenda items can be found at:
If you would like to add something to this agenda, you can:
* Reply to this e-mail
* File a new ticket at:
* E-mail me directly
* Bring it up at the end of the meeting, during the open floor topic. Note
that added topics may be deferred until the following meeting.
I'm having a problem I don't understand how to fix, and I would
appreciate some guidance. I'm maintaining nagios-plugins, which bundles
a number of different "check" plugins and has some metapackages that
include different subsets of those check plugins.
In the EL 8.2 release cycle, one of the dependencies of one of those
plugins was moved from EPEL into EL proper, which broke new installs of
that plugin and the -all metapackage. A user filed a bug, so as a
temporary workaround, I stopped building the plugin package with that
dependency (nagios-plugins-ssl_validity, and had that version
(nagios-plugins-2.3.3-3) obsolete the ssl_validity plugin, since leaving
it around caused it to want to keep the base package in conflict with
other packages that were upgrading.
Now that CentOS 8.2 is released, and the dependency is available, I've
issued an update
that builds ssl_validity again, and also adds it back to the -all
subpackage. I can upgrade it sucessfully (which installs the
ssl_validity plugin again, as expected), but subsequent calls to dnf
upgrade give this error:
Obsoleting Packages
nagios-plugins.x86_64 2.3.3-3.el8 epel
nagios-plugins-ssl_validity.x86_64 2.3.3-4.el8 @epel-testing
nagios-plugins 2.3.3-3 is not installed anymore, and there are no
explicit Obsoletes: in the ssl_validity package. I'm not sure what
needs to be done here, but whatever it is I'm willing to make the
change. Also wondering if this is expected behavior.
Hello packagers,
I have problems interpreting Packaging Guidelines section File and
Directory Ownership [1] for icons application place in
%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor. I ran into this during package review for
dosbox-x [2], but I think the issue is more general than that, because
many applications add their icons to the (default, fallback) hicolor theme.
So the package places application's icon to
%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/dosbox-x.svg. From the
guidelines, it is clear that for all directories in the chain, one of
the following has to be true:
1. Package owns the directory
2. A dependency package owns the directory
3. _filesystem_, _man_ or "other explicitly created -filesystem
package" own the directory
Item 3 takes care of %{_datadir}/icons part, because that is included in
_filesystem_. The remainder hicolor/scalable/apps is unclear for me.
Method 1 could be used. But there is also package _hicolor-icon-theme_.
Is that package an "explicitly created -filesystem package", so method 3
could be used? That would feel natural, because hicolor is the fallback
theme that must exist according to specification.
Related but separate question about the guidelines: Section Unowned
Directories:Inaccessible Directories [3] discusses a problem that is
only relevant to Fedora < 9 and RHEL < 5.3. It does not really contain
any information that is relevant today. Should that section simply be
I am currently working on porting Package Maintainers documentation from
wiki to While selecting the pages that will be
moved over to the new location, I found the "Policy for encouraging
comaintaioners of packages" [1]. It seems to be relevant and thus should
be moved over. What I was left wondering at is, if it should actually be
owner by either the Packaging Committee or FESCo? These currently own
similar documents like the Packaging Guidelines nad the Non-responsive
Maintainer Policy.
I can submit the pull request to move that document to the correct
location at docs.fp.o, but I should first understand what is the correct
location. Any thoughts?
If you aren't aware freenode seems to be in the process of imploding,
as of today a lot of the staff have resigned.
For more information see: ... or check Fedora
people's twitter etc.
I'm guessing that the meeting will be on a different network next
week. I'll put a header with what I know in the schedule, but hopefully
we'll all find out what's going on before then.
Hello Packagers,
Wiki page Package Review Process [1] mentions Bugzilla "whiteboard
field" multiple times. I have completed some reviews now, but I have
never set any whiteboard values, or even seen such field. Am I correct
to assume that it is not used anymore and could be removed from the
process description?
"rust-sevctl" was added to Fedora recently. It contains a single
binary (/usr/bin/sevctl). I think the fact that it happens to have
been written in the Rust language is immaterial and the package should
have been called "sevctl".
Anyway the packager points me to the guidelines:
and with a strict reading of them, it does indeed seem that
"rust-sevctl" is the required name (since the package is a "crate").
But it's not a library, so this seems ... unnecessary? We have plenty
of programs written in C which aren't called c-foo.
NB: I appreciate that this package has now already been added to
Fedora and changing package names is a pain, so this is NOT a request
to change the name of this existing package. Also this package
already "Provides: sevctl" so it's not really an issue.
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
Read my programming and virtualization blog:
virt-df lists disk usage of guests without needing to install any
software inside the virtual machine. Supports Linux and Windows.
Hello packagers,
During the package review of qvge [1], the following question came up:
Are the any requirements placed on the contents of AppStream metadata,
particularly the field project_license [2]? It feels natural that is
MUST be the same (module differences in notation) as specfile License,
since both have the same meaning. However, I cannot find anything in
Licensing Guidelines about this.
In my experience, this comes up quite often, since upstreams often have
bundled dependencies or other copy-pasted code with different license
than upstream's own code, yet AppStream metadata, LICENSE file, README
and so only list upstream's own license.
I looked through the packaging guidelines just now to see if I could find any guidance on if it is appropriate for applications packaged in the main Fedora repos to have telemetry sent back to upstream automatically (not just crash reports, but usage telemetry of some kind), and I couldn't find anything. Has there been any decisions by FESCO/packaging committee about telemetry in apps and is it written in the policy somewhere?
I am asking because just today a new PR was made to Audacity (one of the packages I help maintain in Fedora) that adds telemetry gathering: It is said to be optional and starts as disabled - but the code for reporting back will still be in the package non-the-less.