What's the right way to handle github URLs? Currently, I'm working on the
spec file for breathe and the URL is
https://github.com/michaeljones/breathe/archive/v4.0.0.tar.gz and the
actual file that's downloaded is breathe-4.0.0.tar.gz. How do I make that
play nice in the spec file and with rpmlint?
peazip (peazip.sf.net) got :
./nautilus-scripts/Archiving/PeaZip/Extract Archive
./nautilus-scripts/Archiving/PeaZip/Add to Archive
./nautilus-scripts/Archiving/PeaZip/Open Archive
./nautilus-scripts/Archiving/PeaZip/Extract Here
./nautilus-scripts/Archiving/PeaZip/Extract to Folder
How I should package this ?
Thanks in advance
Sérgio M. B.
How can I use a find with -exec in a .spec file? It appears that the {} is
being put in quotes and not doing what I'd expect. Is there a way for me to
prevent the quoting and make this work?
Following is the list of topics that will be discussed in the FPC
meeting Thursday at 2015-05-28 16:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting-1 on
Local time information (via. rktime):
2015-05-28 09:00 Thu US/Pacific PDT
2015-05-28 12:00 Thu US/Eastern EDT
2015-05-28 16:00 Thu UTC <-
2015-05-28 17:00 Thu Europe/London BST
2015-05-28 18:00 Thu Europe/Paris CEST
2015-05-28 18:00 Thu Europe/Berlin CEST
2015-05-28 21:30 Thu Asia/Calcutta IST
------------------new day----------------------
2015-05-29 00:00 Fri Asia/Singapore SGT
2015-05-29 00:00 Fri Asia/Hong_Kong HKT
2015-05-29 01:00 Fri Asia/Tokyo JST
2015-05-29 02:00 Fri Australia/Brisbane EST
Links to all tickets below can be found at:
= Followups =
#topic #281 New Python Macros for Easier Packaging
.fpc 281
#topic #508 New GID for openstack-neutron
.fpc 508
#topic #513 Use python -Es in shbang
.fpc 513
#topic #531 Establish guidelines for use of weak dependencies in
package specifications for F23.
.fpc 531
= New business =
#topic #533 Distinguish between packaging modules and applications
in python packaging
.fpc 533
#topic #534 Add provides for python2-foo to python-foo packages
.fpc 534
#topic #538 Bundling exception for htmlunit-core-js
.fpc 538
= Open Floor =
For more complete details, please visit each individual ticket. The
report of the agenda items can be found at:
If you would like to add something to this agenda, you can reply to
this e-mail, file a new ticket at https://fedorahosted.org/fpc,
e-mail me directly, or bring it up at the end of the meeting, during
the open floor topic. Note that added topics may be deferred until
the following meeting.
hi everybody
I'd like to ask if you might know what if any impact this
var has on gfortran compiler during rebuild?
Docs on gfortran say it does not use env vars thus what is
the point. Also when I use and export my FCFLAGS I do not
see them in rpmbuild output used by gfortran.
Hi list,
I'm new to this list but have had a hard time convincing redhat people that
broken symlinks are bad! (I'm not going to bother trying to convice you ;-)
What I would like to do is get a "package" to take responsibility for the many
broken symlinks out there. So that at least a broken symlink can be assigned to
a specific package the owner of which thinks (sic) that the symlink is
"required" from his/her perspective. (I won't say that the code should be more
intelligent & create a symlink if it is really necessary & remove it when it's
broken as that would expect too much)
Please see,
for more detail.
Generally many packages create symlinks, but don't "own them", I'd like to
change that. eg. kernel packagages if the source is not installed.
Try, find / -type l -exec file "{}" \; |grep broken
John Dodson | Bosch Research Engineering & Computing Facility Manager,
| Network Manager Medical Sciences, Electrical/Electronics/Control
| Telecommunications Engineer Physiology/School of Medical Sciences
The University of Sydney
Rm N252,Anderson Stuart Building (F13) Eastern Avenue,
The University of Sydney|NSW|2006|Australia.
T +61 2 9351 5246 | F +61 2 9351 2058 | M +61 4 1459 7557
E johnd(a)physiol.usyd.edu.au | W http://www.physiol.usyd.edu.au/johnd
ABN:15 211 513 464 CRICOS Number: 00026A
I'd rather be on OTI... http://www.bio.usyd.edu.au/OTIhttps://www.google.com.au/maps/place/One+Tree+Island,+Queensland/@-23.56665…
Hi lists,
Gprbuild [1] package depends on sources of current gcc (gnat)
compiller [2].
The sources (content of gcc/ada of gcc's tree) should be placed under gnat_src
before building. Is it possible to achieve this in any way rather than
ship content of gcc/ada directory as %{SOURCE2}?
P.S. Gprbuild ships headers of gnat but they're broken because of
gcc-5 in fedora (major version changed).
[1] http://www.adacore.com/gnatpro/toolsuite/gprbuild/
Gprbuild uses some sources of the GNAT package. They are expected by
to be located in the gnat/ subdirectory of Gprbuild. Only some of the
sources are required, but note that having all of the GNAT sources
in the gnat/ subdirectory will result in build failure.
In order to use GNAT sources from another location, create a link
gnat_src and call the Makefile target copy_gnat_src:
ln -s <path_to_gnat_sources> gnat_src
make copy_gnat_src
That will place links into the gnat/ subdirectory for each of
the required
GNAT source files.
#fedora-meeting-1: fpc
Meeting started by geppetto at 16:08:56 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (geppetto, 16:08:57)
* Schedule (geppetto, 16:10:46)
(geppetto, 16:10:48)
* #531 Discuss guidelines for use of weak dependencies (geppetto,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/531 (geppetto, 16:11:16)
* ACTION: ffesti Work on
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/WeakDependencies for
next meeting (geppetto, 17:01:30)
* #532 Guidelines Draft: Systemd Preset Policy (geppetto, 17:12:56)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/532 (geppetto, 17:13:07)
* ACTION: Updated systemd Preset Policy #532 (+1:7, 0:0, -1:0)
(geppetto, 17:24:41)
* #535 Adjust the place of DESCRIPTION in R packaging guidelines
(geppetto, 17:25:06)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/535 (geppetto, 17:25:14)
* ACTION: Adjust the place of DESCRIPTION in R packaging guidelines
(+1:6, 0:0, -1:0) (geppetto, 17:29:12)
* Open Floor (geppetto, 17:29:50)
Meeting ended at 17:46:20 UTC.
Action Items
* ffesti Work on
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/WeakDependencies for
next meeting
* Updated systemd Preset Policy #532 (+1:7, 0:0, -1:0)
* Adjust the place of DESCRIPTION in R packaging guidelines (+1:6, 0:0,
Action Items, by person
* ffesti
* ffesti Work on
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/WeakDependencies for
next meeting
* Updated systemd Preset Policy #532 (+1:7, 0:0, -1:0)
* Adjust the place of DESCRIPTION in R packaging guidelines (+1:6,
0:0, -1:0)
People Present (lines said)
* geppetto (109)
* tibbs (77)
* ffesti (42)
* Rathann (33)
* tomspur (22)
* jzeleny-home (17)
* racor (15)
* zodbot (12)
* jsilhan (8)
* orionp (7)
* SmootherFrOgZ (2)
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