Hi all,
Juha Tuomala (IRC: Tuju) and I were wondering if we should get MySQL-python renamed. The rationale is that these days we sometimes have several Python stacks on the same release, and it would be nice to be easily able to see which packages have been rebuilt or not (e.g. python26-PKG, python-PKG, python3-PKG).
MySQLdb (current name: MySQL-python) seems to get its name from the released tarball. Juha wants to package a python26 build of MySQLdb but prefers a python26- prefix. Question:
1) should it go ahead, with the main MySQLdb package not renamed, or should the python26 package name always correspond to its "default Python" counterpart? 2) if we are renaming, should it be to python*-MySQLdb? that's what the Python module is called. or to python*-mysql ?