I'm starting to build alternative kernel packages based on the -ck patchsets, and am looking for some feedback/suggestions. My current spec changes from the kernel-2.6.spec (besides changing patches and configs) are:
32c34 < %define release %(R="$Revision: 1.1177 $"; RR="${R##: }"; echo ${RR%%?})_FC4%{rhbsys} ---
%define release %(R="$Revision: 1.1176 $"; RR="${R##: }"; echo
^ add the version of the ck patch to the release.
155c157 < Name: kernel ---
Name: kernel-ck
^ change the name of the package to kernel-ck
The goal here is to be able to completely remove all of the stock fedora kernels and only leave kernel-ck (much like I do on smp machines and leave only kernel-smp), and have a "desktop" kernel choice.
Any other gotchas?
The pipe dream would be to have a kickstart file tell anaconda to install the kernel-ck set.
On Thu, 2005-03-24 at 15:14 -0700, Orion Poplawski wrote:
I'm starting to build alternative kernel packages based on the -ck patchsets, and am looking for some feedback/suggestions. My current spec changes from the kernel-2.6.spec (besides changing patches and configs) are:
Your changes look sane for making a custom kernel rpm.
You should even be able to install this custom rpm in the %post section of the kickstart without much difficulty.