---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ankit Patel ankit@redhat.com Date: Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:00 AM Subject: Fedora 12 Software Translation Review To: Fedora Translation Project List fedora-trans-list@redhat.com
We are in the phase of Translation Review for Fedora 12 software translations till 22nd September 2009. We definitely need to review the translations we have submitted in the format of PO files through Transifex. Jens Petersen from Fedora-i18n team has landed help for us and created a Live-Cd iso from the latest rawhide, which includes latest packages rebuilt using the translations we have submitted till 10th of September. Here is the url to download the Live-Cd iso: http://people.redhat.com/petersen/f12-l10n/
Thanks Jens and Fedora-i18n team!
To test or review translations, there are two ways. 1. Install Fedora rawhide on your machine and go through each application you translated in your native language. OR 2. Download & burn the Live-Cd iso from above mentioned URLs. Boot your computer from the Live-Cd and go through applications.
This way we can get a chance to review our translations live using applications actually, which gives us an opportunity to translate things in a better way.
-- Regards, Ankit Patel http://www.indianoss.org/ http://www.ankit644.com/
-- Fedora-trans-list mailing list Fedora-trans-list@redhat.com https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-trans-list