I do dnf upgrade any morning where something shows up as new. Today was
the big kernel jump to 6.x kernel. Was not worried I guess since I just
ran the update like normal and rebooted to it.
Ended up at:
error: ../../grub-core/kern/dl.c:429:symbol `grub_debug_is_enabled' not
Entering rescue mode...
gruub rescue> _
Booted to the F36 install media and did the rescue option. It found my
system and setup my chroot. I simply ran:
chroot /mnt/sysroot
grub2-install /dev/sda
(no errors)
And rebooted to that. All seems great.
Note that this is a very "old" system, having been dnf upgraded from
F19 all the way to today. I notice that the grub menu looks a bit
different, so it could be an issue of having an old grub on the disk
that needed an update.
Also note that I am pretty sure I have not rebooted since doing a disk
clone from my laptop (not this system) where I mounted old and new
laptop on this system and did a variety of dd, rsync, grub2-install,
reset UUIDs, etc. If I accidentally touch my sda instead of the sdd and
sde that I was working on then I might have created a bomb that went
off at reboot. I don't *think* that happened but not 100% sure.
Everything seems to be working, so I don't need any help, but wanted to
report this just in case.
Doug H.