hi Nicolas
I got more feedbacks on the config file testing from Jens, it seems the new
config file
works fine (the difference between the ja/zh monospace fonts is because ja
users use
Gothic as default monospace, not the Dejavu Mono).
Do you think if it is ok for me to commit it to F8 as well?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jens Petersen <petersen(a)redhat.com>
Date: Dec 12, 2007 2:33 AM
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: Request for review and advice on
wqy-bitmap-fonts fontconfig settings]]]
To: Qianqian Fang <fangqq(a)gmail.com>
Here is a mail from Caius who tried to test your config a bit.
I didn't have time yet to review his comments.
Does it help at all?
Hi Jens,
I tested zh_TW.UTF-8 and zh_CN.UTF-8, the monospace fonts are displayed
For ja_JP.UTF-8, the monospace fonts are also displayed properly.
Between ja and zh, the monospace fonts used seems are different. ja is
using a narrower width monospace than zh ones (they all monospaced).
Please kindly point out if the info is not what you are inquiring.
Best Regards,
Jens Petersen さんは書きました:
> Caius,
> Could you take a look at this please, test the fontconfig file
> and follow up on the list with your findings.
> Thanks,
> Jens