First I should apologize for not discussing this more widely earlier, but
in the i18n subproject we recently suggested and requested that there
should be a generic 'Fonts' component in bugzilla for Fedora since we often
see various generic fonts bugs which take time to determine and resolve and
would easily get lost in the broad 'distribution' component.
See https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/124 and
https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9368 for more background.
Currently i18n-bugs is the primary assignee and fonts-bugs is in auto-CC.
I think it can be used in two ways - primarily (long term) for distro wide
fonts issues that are not bugs of a particular component (eg discussions on
changing default fonts, etc) - possibly triaged from some font component,
and secondly when users have no idea what component to file fonts issues
under, which then would need to be triaged to a particular font package.
I don't think we will see a huge number of bugs under this component but it
should be useful for tracking longer term issues and problems. If this also
helps to encourage Fonts SIG activity that would also be a good thing.
Thanks, Jens
Hey there,
Just wanted to drop this introduction here like it says on the wiki.
Just your average UK lurker wanting to poke around at Fedora's
internals a bit.
I'd also love it if someone could point me in the right direction on
how/where/if to suggest packaging for Unicode's Last Resort font,
which can be found here:
https://github.com/unicode-org/last-resort-font, since I don't have
access to add it to the wishlist myself because I'm in no groups, and
I'm a bit numbskulled sometimes.
Elliott Tallis aka pointy
Hi again!
Once upon a time, DejaVu font was used for all Persian text rendering in
Fedora. While some people considered it to be somewhat ugly,
it was consistent. But, it changed a few releases ago where "Droid Kufi"
(from google-droid-sans-fonts) started to be used in some
places, e.g. in Telegram desktop (from rpmfusion) or IIRC in some other
apps like Thunderbird. "Droid Kufi" is not suitable for Persian,
it can be considered a fantasy font in Persian not something to be used
in normal Sans text.
Then, in Fedora 36, with the introduction of Noto fonts by default,
things become worse: now, we have still DejaVu fonts being used
by default in Gnome, Droid Kufi still is being used but in less places
(when Droid Sans or Open Sans are needed), and Noto Sans Arabic
is also being used in some places (e.g. Thunderbird & Firefox default
font for title bars and menus and....).
To make things even worse, from what I see in [1] and [2], it is
expected that "PakType Naskh Basic" be used as the default Persian
font; which fortunately isn't the case. PakType fonts are absolutely not
suitable for Persian normal text, at least for fa_IR locale.
Noto Sans Arabic can be an acceptable font for Persian, specially if
this bug [3] is fixed. It can be also considered a good font to be
used where "Droid Sans" is needed for Persian text; as it seems that
Noto fonts are similar to Droid ones. Noto Naskh Arabic could
be also a good candidate, and it is very similar or exactly the same as
the font used by Android for Persian; but it has two issues:
1. It is considered a Serif font, so I wonder if it is acceptable to be
used also where a Sans font is needed
2. It appears somewhat smaller than other fonts, which is somewhat
annoying. I wonder why, but comparing to fonts like
Noto Sans, Droid Sans and even Droid Naskh, it is smaller. If it was
almost as big as the other options, it'd be probably a good
candidate to be used by default too.
How this consistency issue can be fixed? I'm trying to package Vazirmatn
(formerly Vazir) font for Fedora, which seems to be a
good candidate to be used by default in Fedora. But, I don't know how to
solve the consistency problem. I am able to make it
to be used by default by Gnome, and also be used where Open Sans is
needed (currently for Telegram Desktop mainly); but I
cannot make it to work by default by Firefox/Thunderbird. They are
weird, while they show "Default (Vazirmatn)" (or "sans-serif")
option; when you select it, it falls back to "Noto Sans Arabic" font,
but if I select "Vazirmatn" explicitly, it uses it. I wonder if I
should fill a bug against Firefox/Thunderbird.
1. How can we select a font to be used consistently everywhere for Persian?
2. Which option should be "the one"? DejaVu Sans, Noto Sans Arabic (with
that annoying bug fixed), Noto Naskh (scaled up),
or to be added "Vazirmatn" font? I'm leaned towards Vazirmatn for now
considering the current state of all these fonts; but
I wonder if one of Noto ones are preferred for distro consistency, but
changes are needed for them.
[1] https://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/noto/f36-noto.html
[2] https://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/status/36.html
[3] https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-fonts/issues/2251
[4] https://github.com/rastikerdar/vazirmatn