First I should apologize for not discussing this more widely earlier, but
in the i18n subproject we recently suggested and requested that there
should be a generic 'Fonts' component in bugzilla for Fedora since we often
see various generic fonts bugs which take time to determine and resolve and
would easily get lost in the broad 'distribution' component.
See https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/124 and
https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9368 for more background.
Currently i18n-bugs is the primary assignee and fonts-bugs is in auto-CC.
I think it can be used in two ways - primarily (long term) for distro wide
fonts issues that are not bugs of a particular component (eg discussions on
changing default fonts, etc) - possibly triaged from some font component,
and secondly when users have no idea what component to file fonts issues
under, which then would need to be triaged to a particular font package.
I don't think we will see a huge number of bugs under this component but it
should be useful for tracking longer term issues and problems. If this also
helps to encourage Fonts SIG activity that would also be a good thing.
Thanks, Jens
I have some font packages like foo-abc-fonts, foo-def-fonts, foo-xyz-fonts.
Now I want to create a meta-package foo-fonts-all. Can someone point me to
some documentation how to do so?
This is for your information I have uploaded my Ol Chiki font Uniol in
Fedora Repository and created a wiki page for that.
Anirban Mitra
I have recently filed a review request for my font Mukti which as in
Fedora Wishlist for a long time
In the wiki page it was mentioned to add fedora-fonts-bugs-list AT
redhat DOT com as a cc in review request. However bugzilla.redhat.com
does not accept that mail address as cc. Which mail address should I
add instead of that so that proper persons get notified?
Dr Anirban Mitra