Hi All,
Last couple of weeks i was working on modifying lohit release
structure to accommodate web file formats. It is complete now. Lohit web
fonts (.woff and .eot) are available for download from [1]
Tarball name following syntax
lohit-<scipt/language>-web-<version>.tar.gz Example:
I did basic testing with
http://pravins.fedorapeople.org/web-fonts/sample-text-woff.html. Looking
forward to see more comments from community of Lohit users.
We are using http://code.google.com/p/sfntly/ tool for generating
.woff and .eot. Thanks to Santhosh for pointing to it.
Special thanks to Parag for Makefile :)
Let me know if any problem in using web formats or improvement possible.
Best Regards,
Pravin Satpute
1. https://fedorahosted.org/lohit/
----- 元のメッセージ -----
| Hi, all.
| As an i18n guy, you probably know what does "CJK ExtB, C, D" mean.
| If not, consult this page:
| http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CJK_Unified_Ideographs
| I have some test pages for CJK stuff:
| http://personal.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/~mx011/cjk.html#cjk
| https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CJK_Unified_Ideographs,_Extension_A
| http://personal.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/~mx011/extb.html#extb
| https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CJK_Unified_Ideographs,_Extension_C
| https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CJK_Unified_Ideographs,_Extension_D
| Tthe result of Fedora fresh install: only the first two regions are
| covered. (U+9FCC is a special case since it is added in Unicode 6.1)
| But our input methods do have ExtB, C, D stuff, thus leads to
| impedance mismatch.
| Example:
| https://github.com/definite/ibus-table-chinese/blob/master/tables/array/arr…
| https://github.com/definite/ibus-table-chinese/blob/master/tables/cangjie/c…
| Well, it's all about fonts, right?
That may depends on applications you are talking about. but that's maybe true.
| wqy-zenhei convers up to ExtA.
| wqy-microhei doesn't even cover ExtA.
| WQY project seems dead for some time already.
| Recent release of droid is said to ExtA.
| hanazono covers up to ExtD, but:
| 1. It has Ming style (also called Song style), but people expect
| Black
| (Hei) style in modern desktop environments.
| 2. It should have Japanese variant of characters whenever applicable,
| may not be good enough for non-Japanese users.
Right. that said HanaMin might helps you to check if applications takes care of the surrogate pairs properly. also that could gives you an idea to address your issue, because, in fact this font is organized as two separate fonts, HanaMinA and HanaMinB, which covers ExtA etc and ExtB, C, and D. the package contains fontconfig recipe to deal with them as one font (the name `HanaMin' as the alias is came from what it was originally named):
<match target="scan">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family">
<edit name="fullname">
<match target="scan">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family">
<edit name="fullname">
<alias binding="same">
<alias binding="same">
In packages, it may be not a good idea to do similar with different fonts but looks similar variants though - e.g. when you find something out which covers Ext. B, C, and D in various fonts, and looks acceptable for Chinese - you have an option to do like this in your user configuration.
Please note that you have to re-run fc-cache after setting this up because it expects to re-generate the fontconfig cache and vice versa. also it may not work if renderers supports a single font only such as Xft.
Hope that helps,
| --
| i18n mailing list
| i18n(a)lists.fedoraproject.org
| https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/i18n
I wanted to point out that with new texlive in F18+
we have some duplication of fonts src packages: eg
ctan-cm-lgc-fonts and texlive-cm-lgc (subpackage) [1]
ctan-kerkis-fonts and texlive-kerkis (subpackage)
I have communicated with Jindrich about this over bugzilla
and for now I removed the tex subpackages from the ctan-*-fonts
packages and he obsoleted the old tex-* subpackages from
the texlive subpackages.
That is all well and good but it still seems wrong to be
duplicating fonts sources over different src packages.
Maybe texlive needs to start getting into the business of
also generating fedora fonts packages? Or some other way
could be found to improve this. Or do we just treat texlive
as an exception?
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=907728