On 10/30/2014 11:01 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> As a fix for this:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1046341
> The following symbolic link was added to xorg-x11-font-utils:
> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 12 Aug 18 23:08 /usr/share/fonts/X11 -> ../X11/fonts
> This causes fontconfig to search the full X11 hierarchy whereas before it only
> searched the Type1 and TTF subdirs.
> This "fix" has triggered:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1158468
> and I suspect other issues will crop up as well.
> Can some font experts weigh in on how to properly solve the first issue
> without triggering the second?
The first issue can be fixed by patching luit to search under /usr/share/X11/fonts
rather then /usr/share/fonts/X11, my thinking behind adding the symlink was that
their will likely be other apps with the same problem as luit. So I asked my
fellow graphics team members about why we were using /usr/share/X11/fonts instead
of /usr/share/fonts/X11 in the first place, and there did not seem be a special
reason, so I added the symlink.
Since the symlink is clearly causing issues I'll do an update removing the symlink
and another update fixing luit, and push them as one update in bodhi, which should
resolve both issues. As said their will likely be more cases of the "luit" problem
hiding elsewhere, but since the symlink is causing issues, we will need to fix those
on a case by case basis.
Hi all,
I wanted to decentralize the storage of font metadata used in
gnome-software. I would be appreciative of any comments to this
article: http://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2014/10/15/gnome-software-and-fonts/
-- Once any big issues are ironed out, I'll send that to
devel@fedoraproject for comments.
On 6 October 2014 19:50, Matthias Clasen <mclasen(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>> I noticed Titillium typeface is unlisted in Gnome Software. How to
>> include it? I tried to look at the documentation about the process but
>> not available.
> https://github.com/hughsie/fedora-appstream/tree/master/appdata-extra/font
These files are to set the long description for the font, and
optionally also group together font faces together into families, e.g.
so Lato Black gets paired up with Lato Hairline to form a "Lato"
> and there is appdata for them in /usr/share/app-info/xml/ on my system,
> but for some reason they still don't show up in gnome-software. Kalev
> and I briefly looked into it, but couldn't quite figure it out. I'll ask
> Richard to take a look tomorrow (he's off today).
Unlike applications, the AppData for fonts only gets processed when
the metadata is created using appstream-builder. This is because for
applications there's a 1:1 relationship with .desktop files, but for
addons like fonts the relationship can be n:1 or even 1:n.
So, back to the builder. I think this is the log file for Titillium:
-- which looking at the last entry seems to suggest (no <veto> tags)
that it gets included in the metadata, at least for rawhide.
So, to check locally: vim /usr/share/app-info/xmls/fedora-21.xml.gz
seems to suggest that Titillium should be present in gnome-software.
So, running the latter in verbose mode I see;
(org.gnome.Software:9724): GsPlugin-WARNING **: failed to load cached
icon Titillium-LightItalic.png: Failed to open file
'/usr/share/app-info/icons/fedora-21/Titillium-LightItalic.png': No
such file or directory
Not good, as that file does not indeed exist, although the others
(e.g. Titillium-Black.png do). This kinda points to it being a
metadata builder issue. I'll look more at this now.
I noticed Titillium typeface is unlisted in Gnome Software. How to
include it? I tried to look at the documentation about the process but
not available.
Thank you,
Luya Tshimbalanga
Graphic & Web Designer
E: luya(a)fedoraproject.org
W: http://www.coolest-storm.net