Le samedi 19 avril 2008 à 11:31 +0300, Oron Peled a écrit :
> [cross-posting to an Israeli Group of Linux Users.
> IGLU readers, please read and send me your feedback.
> A concrete information (specific apps, toolkits, specific
> characters/nikud) would help us form a valid opinion]
> On Saturday, 19 בApril 2008, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> > Le vendredi 18 avril 2008 à 15:57 -0400, Bill Nottingham a écrit :
> > > When looking over the LiveCD manifest, and where space is going, I
> > > can't help but notice that a lot of it goes to fonts. Here's the
> > > full list, AFAICT. The number to the left is the size of the package.
> > > I think a good chunk of this could be pruned.
> >
> > My advice would be:
> > ...
> > 4. drop culmus — DejaVu full includes Hebrew no one complained of during
> > the F9 cycle, so no need to keep a separate Hebrew font on a
> > space-constrained media
> If DejaVu provides "good-enough" substitute for space limited media,
> than it may be OK.
Well, DejaVu certainly does not aim just at "good enough". Please report
any problem with it upstream. Even if Culmus stays in Fedora users will
mostly see DejaVu since it's the default font set (not just in Fedora
BTW). So if your script is included in DejaVu you really want to work
with DejaVu upstream to get it good.
Anyway that highlights a problem with fonts: users are highly sensitive
to font changes, and fonts change slowly. So l10n groups *must* test the
Fedora font selection very early in a cycle. Any problem spotted after
what used to be called Test2 is unlikely to be fixed in time for the
final release.
More local involvement in font packaging would help of course.
Nicolas Mailhot