This is really a cross-posting, the original post is on #fedora-devel;
I discovered this list too late. Sorry.
> Hi!
> I'm trying to package a web application with bundled fonts. These
> fonts are used by the web clients (browsers), and just served from the
> Fedora webapp. The case is similar to javascript .js files.
> Trying to package the webfonts as dependencies I have run into problem
> together with my reviewer. Basically, we don't know what to do. Some
> questions:
> - Where should webfonts be stored? A specific dir would be good,
> since some fonts exists in both a webfont and desktop variant with the
> same filenames.
> - How shoulld webapps get access to the system webfont? Is the apache
> config file approach used for ..js files, where the webapp gets access
> to specific system paths, usable also here?
> - Given that the primary concern about fonts seems to be licensing, is
> it really meaningful to unbundle them?
> This is the short story. The somewhat longer:
> Any help, out there?
> --alec