Hi All,
As most of you aware from our earlier discussion regarding relicensing
of lohit fonts.
I am releasing all lohit script fonts 2.5.0 with SIL OFL 1.1 License.
I have updated License text and other file accordingly. See changelog of
each script for more details regarding changes.
I will rebuild lohit in fedora next week. It will be good if all
distros build lohit packages with this latest release of lohit fonts
with OFL license.
Best Regards,
Pravin Satpute
Hi All,
Released 1.07.1 version of Liberation fonts.
- Resolved bug 738264, corrected height of U+040D in Liberation Mono
- Resolved bug 729989, corrected macron position on ā, ē, ī, ō, ū in
Narrow fonts
- Enabled embedding of font
- Added License link
Best Regards,
Pravin Satpute