I would like to get a free version of Comic into Fedora.
I looked at HVD Comic Serif. [1][2] It looks like it wasn't put in
Fedora because it's readme.txt has both the Creative Commons Attribution
3.0 Unported License and a bunch of freehand "though shalt" stuff at the
Plus, that font has not been touched since 2009 (including the
problematic readme file)
Anyway, I don't see that making it into Fedora.
So, I was thinking of packaging Comic Neue [3], which is licensed until
the SIL Open Font License. It is being actively maintained, and I think
would be a good addition to Fedora.
And, so my question. Is anyone packaging Comic Neue up already?
If not, I'll give it a try.
I haven't ever packaged a font, but I'm more than willing to learn. The
templates certainly look helpful.
Troy Dawson
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HVD_Comic_Serif_fonts
[2] http://www.hvdfonts.com/#15-HvD%20Comic%20Serif
[3] http://comicneue.com/