I think this will probably be interesting to the people in this list.
With the blessing from Roman Czyborra, the former maintainer of
GNU Unifont, Paul Hardy, a volunteer developer from CA, is now
officially maintaining this widely used dual-width bitmap font.
In the past couple months, Paul devoted tremendous of efforts
toward the goal of complete BMP coverage of Unifont. In the meantime,
we had extensive collaboration and ported all our latest creation of
Hanzi glyphs, including the Unicode 5.1 additions, from WenQuanYi's
fonts to GNU Unifont. Paul told me that he is very close to make a
release, perhaps a few thousands glyphs away from a complete BMP
font. His website and the latest fonts can be found from here:
It would be nice to see this extensively updated GNU Unifont
pushed through all branches for Fedora. I will keep you posted
or send Paul directly here to announce his release.
The liberation-fonts 1.04.beta2 has been released:
There are some extra testings needed on comparison of glyphs between 1.03 and 1.04.beta2, which for ensuring no difference of glyphs between such two releases.
I sincerely encourage all of you kindly test it in fortnight and provide some feedback.
All of your information is extremely valuable to improve the quality of Liberation Fonts.
Thank you very much for your help.
Best Regards,
Caius Carlos Chance < cchance AT redhat DOT com >
Red Hat APAC | http://apac.redhat.com/disclaimer/
I am Angel from Bangladesh. I just ve joined here. I am confusing, how to
Anyway, I am going to the topic. I've been using the Unicode based Bengali
fonts of Ekushey <http://ekushey.org/?page/otf_bangla_fonts> for a long
time, specially SolaimanLipi which I use almost everywhere. From
BLUA<http://linux.org.bd>this fonts are available for Ubuntu and some
other distros. To make these
fine fonts easily available on Fedora, I've made a rpm package of all of
them called *ttf-ekushey*. RHEL can use this package too. Now please,
someone help me with this, how can I packaging this fonts for Fedora?
Thanks in advance.
GPG key: 0xC4639705
Fedora -- Freedom² and rapid innovation
Hi all,
After 10 days of work and about 850 changes the Fonts SIG wiki is
operationnal again. (I don't know mediawiki, so I won't claim to have
been efficient). The cleanup was accompagned by restructuring to take
into account differing moin/mediawiki capabilities and the fact some
pages had become huge and monstruous over time.
The SIG home page has been moved to
The old SIG pipeline and wishlist pages have been split in per-font
articles to be more manageable:
The new SIG workflow is to create a new page per font and change the
page category as the font progresses in the packaging process. A
documented font page template is provided to ease this workflow.
If you're the maintainer of a font package, or if you've added a font to
the wishlist, please check the corresponding font page exists and is as
complete as possible.
I've nuked the old SIG member list. It was incomplete and not up to
date. If you wish to register your interest in the SIG please just add
the Fonts_SIG_members category to your homepage to get listed there.
Using categories means you get nice dynamic self-maintaining indexes all
over the place.
I hope the end result is clear and pleasant and will motivate more
people to work on the big font wishlist. Remember:
Nicolas Mailhot
Hi guys,
Lets meet Monday June 9th 17:00 UTC in ##fonts on freenode to discuss
font autoinstallation in Fedora.
I've recently committed patches to GTK+ and gnome-settings-daemon (the
latter not committed just yet, but expect to commit today or tomorrow)
to detect fontconfig configuration changes and react to it [1]. By
react, I mean:
- Make fontconfig reread its configuration, seeing newly installed
fonts, changed configs, etc,
- Make Pango fontmap drop its fontset caches,
- Redraw all widgets.
With these in place, you can install a font rpm and all running
applications will pick it up withing 5 seconds.
Next logical step is to detect when fonts are missing for some language,
and let PackageKit offer installing them. That's what I want to discuss
at the meeting.
To get us started, this is the very rough design I have in mind right
- Hook into PangoFcFontMap's load_fontset method, and if the font
pattern for the first font in the just-loaded fontset does not cover the
asked language, signal missing fonts for language.
- The signal will be propagated to PackageKit over D-BUS
- PackageKit will show a notification suggesting to install fonts for
langauge. In a further dialog it will list all font packages covering
the missing language(s?) and let user choose which ones to install.
- I don't like making Pango do much. My previous idea was to add a
missing-fonts hook in Pango that another module can hook into. I don't
like that idea much now. Hooks are in general very unscalable in the
long run.
- Here's another way to handle it: I'm going to make some changes to
PangoFontMap handling. The part relevant here is that one can call
pango_cairo_font_map_set_default() to change the default font map.
- PackageKit-gnome will install a gtk-module that upon loading, gets
the current pangocairo defaultfontmap, subclasses it anonymously (that's
perfectly possible), overrides the load_fontset method, creates an
instance of it, and sets it as the new default pangocairo fontmap.
- The hook then is responsible for using D-BUS or any other means
(xsettings?!) to notify PackageKit of missing fonts and at that point
I'm done :).
For this to work, it's easiest if font packages provided names like
font-lang-fa, font-lang-fa_IR, font-lang-az_IR, etc. We can develop a
script to automatically generate that at package build time. Fontconfig
already has that list.
Anyway, further discussion during the meeting :).
[1] http://mces.blogspot.com/2008/06/online-font-installation.html
I though this bug [1] I've just filled against WebKit might be of some
interest to you. In short, WebKit shows blank space instead of some
characters, I noticed Japanese, Chinese and Korean to be the ones
I am not sure if it's WebKit or Fedora-way-of-font-handling issue, so I
though I might let you know as well... (I hope I am not just causing
noise :-D)
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=448693