This is an experimental to improve our fonts packages and
keeps sane rules with the well-known templates in our fonts
packaging guidelines.
Please see the attach how your fonts packages got
analysis. that may has one or two categories, or more in
some cases perhaps, one is "authorized" what a kind of rules
in our templates your packages contains. one is
"nonauthorized" that isn't aligned to any templates. you may
have "not_enabled" perhaps. that means your packages has a
file but not having any symlinks to /etc/fonts/conf.d.
This tool is available in fontpackages git repo now though,
I'm pretty sure this tool can be improved a lot, like this
doesn't detect the default attributes etc, because it's
trying to compare the fontconfig config files too strictly.
If your fonts packages has any errors due no fontconfig
config files provided, please visit our packaging guidelines
again and add one for your packages.
Any questions or suggestions are welcome.
* bpg-chveulebrivi-fonts:
* authorized:
* 64-bpg.conf-chveulebrivi.conf: Generic names, Font substitution, Simple priority lists
* bpg-courier-fonts:
* authorized:
* 64-bpg.conf-courier.conf: Generic names, Font substitution, Simple priority lists
* bpg-glaho-fonts:
* authorized:
* 64-bpg.conf-glaho.conf: Generic names, Font substitution, Simple priority lists
* cjkuni-ukai-fonts:
* nonauthorized:
* 25-ttf-arphic-ukai-render.conf: <match target="font">
<test name="family" compare="contains">
<string>AR PL UKai</string>
<edit name="globaladvance"><bool>false</bool></edit>
<edit name="spacing"><int>90</int></edit>
<edit name="minspace"><bool>false</bool></edit>
* nonauthorized:
* 90-ttf-arphic-ukai-embolden.conf: <match target="font">
<test name="family" compare="contains">
<string>AR PL UKai</string>
<!-- check to see if the font is just regular -->
<test name="weight" compare="less_eq">
<test name="weight" target="pattern" compare="more_eq">
<edit name="embolden" mode="assign">
* cjkuni-uming-fonts:
* nonauthorized:
* 25-ttf-arphic-uming-render.conf: <match target="font">
<test name="family" compare="contains">
<string>AR PL UMing</string>
<edit name="globaladvance"><bool>false</bool></edit>
<edit name="spacing"><int>90</int></edit>
<edit name="minspace"><bool>false</bool></edit>
* authorized:
* 65-0-ttf-arphic-uming.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* nonauthorized:
* 90-ttf-arphic-uming-embolden.conf: <match target="font">
<test name="family" compare="contains">
<string>AR PL UMing</string>
<!-- check to see if the font is just regular -->
<test name="weight" compare="less_eq">
<test name="weight" target="pattern" compare="more_eq">
<edit name="embolden" mode="assign">
* culmus-aharoni-clm-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-culmus-aharoni-clm.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides, Font substitution
* nonauthorized:
* 65-culmus-aharoni-clm.conf: <alias binding="same">
<family>Guttman Aharoni</family>
<accept><family>Aharoni CLM</family></accept>
* culmus-caladings-clm-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-culmus-caladings-clm.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 65-culmus-caladings-clm.conf: <alias> <family>Caladings</family> <accept><family>Caladings CLM</family></accept> </alias>
* culmus-david-clm-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-culmus-david-clm.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* nonauthorized:
* 65-culmus-david-clm.conf: <alias> <family>David OT</family> <accept><family>David CLM</family></accept> </alias>, <alias>
<family>David Transparent</family>
<family>Guttman David</family>
<accept><family>David CLM</family></accept>
</alias>, <match target="pattern">
<test name="family">
<string>Guttman Adii</string>
<edit name="family" mode="prepend" binding="same">
<string>David CLM</string>
<edit name="style" mode="prepend" binding="same">
<string>Medium Italic</string>
</match>, <alias> <family>Raanana</family> <accept><family>David CLM</family></accept> </alias>, <alias> <family>David</family> <accept><family>David CLM</family></accept> </alias>
* culmus-drugulin-clm-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-culmus-drugulin-clm.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* nonauthorized:
* 65-culmus-drugulin-clm.conf: <alias>
<family>Guttman Drogolin</family>
<family>Guttman Vilna</family>
<accept><family>Drugulin CLM</family></accept>
</alias>, <alias> <family>Drugulin</family> <accept><family>Drugulin CLM</family></accept> </alias>
* culmus-ellinia-clm-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-culmus-ellinia-clm.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* nonauthorized:
* 65-culmus-ellinia-clm.conf: <alias> <family>Ellinia</family> <accept><family>Ellinia CLM</family></accept> </alias>
* culmus-frank-ruehl-clm-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-culmus-frank-ruehl-clm.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* nonauthorized:
* 65-culmus-frank-ruehl-clm.conf: <alias>
<family>Guttman Frank</family>
<family>Guttman Frnew</family>
<accept><family>Frank Ruehl CLM</family></accept>
</alias>, <alias> <family>New Peninim MT</family> <accept><family>Frank Ruehl CLM</family></accept></alias>, <alias> <family>Frank Ruehl</family> <accept><family>Frank Ruehl CLM</family></accept></alias>
* culmus-miriam-clm-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-culmus-miriam-clm.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* nonauthorized:
* 65-culmus-miriam-clm.conf: <alias>
<family>Guttman Miryam</family>
<family>Levenim MT</family>
<family>Miriam Transparent</family>
<accept><family>Miriam CLM</family></accept>
* culmus-miriam-mono-clm-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-culmus-miriam-mono-clm.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* nonauthorized:
* 65-culmus-miriam-mono-clm.conf: <alias>
<family>Fixed Miriam Transparent</family>
<family>Guttman Myamfix</family>
<family>Miriam Fixed</family>
<accept><family>Miriam Mono CLM</family></accept>
</alias>, <alias> <family>Miriam Mono</family> <accept><family>Miriam Mono CLM</family></accept></alias>
* culmus-nachlieli-clm-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-culmus-nachlieli-clm.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* nonauthorized:
* 65-culmus-nachlieli-clm.conf: <alias> <family>Nachlieli</family> <accept><family>Nachlieli CLM</family></accept> </alias>, <alias> <family>ArialHB</family> <accept><family>Nachlieli CLM</family></accept> </alias>
* culmus-yehuda-clm-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* dejavu-sans-fonts:
* nonauthorized:
* 20-unhint-small-dejavu-sans.conf: <match target="font">
<test name="family">
<string>DejaVu Sans</string>
<test name="pixelsize" compare="less">
<edit name="hinting">
* authorized:
* 57-dejavu-sans.conf: Generic names, Font substitution, Simple priority lists
* dejavu-sans-mono-fonts:
* nonauthorized:
* 20-unhint-small-dejavu-sans-mono.conf: <match target="font">
<test name="family">
<string>DejaVu Sans Mono</string>
<test name="pixelsize" compare="less">
<edit name="hinting">
* authorized:
* 57-dejavu-sans-mono.conf: Generic names, Font substitution, Simple priority lists
* dejavu-serif-fonts:
* nonauthorized:
* 20-unhint-small-dejavu-serif.conf: <match target="font">
<test name="family">
<string>DejaVu Serif</string>
<test name="pixelsize" compare="less">
<edit name="hinting">
* authorized:
* 57-dejavu-serif.conf: Generic names, Font substitution, Simple priority lists
* jomolhari-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* kacst-art-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-art.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-art.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-book-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-book.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-book.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-decorative-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-decorative.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-decorative.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-digital-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-digital.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-digital.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-farsi-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-farsi.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-farsi.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-letter-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-letter.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-letter.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-naskh-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-naskh.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-naskh.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-office-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-office.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-office.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-one-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-one.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-one.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-pen-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-pen.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-pen.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-poster-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-poster.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-poster.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-qurn-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-qurn.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-qurn.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-screen-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-screen.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-screen.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-title-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-title.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-title.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* kacst-titlel-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-kacst-titlel.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-kacst-titlel.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
* khmeros-base-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-khmeros-base.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* khmeros-battambang-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-khmeros-battambang.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* khmeros-bokor-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-khmeros-bokor.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* khmeros-handwritten-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-khmeros-handwritten.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* khmeros-metal-chrieng-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-khmeros-metal-chrieng.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* khmeros-muol-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-khmeros-muol.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* khmeros-siemreap-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-khmeros-siemreap.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* kurdit-unikurd-web-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-kurdit-unikurd-web.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* liberation-mono-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* liberation-sans-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* liberation-serif-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* lklug-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-lklug.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* lohit-assamese-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-lohit-assamese.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* lohit-bengali-fonts:
* authorized:
* 66-lohit-bengali.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 66-lohit-bengali.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Bengali</string>
* lohit-devanagari-fonts:
* authorized:
* 66-lohit-devanagari.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 66-lohit-devanagari.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Devanagari</string>
</match>, <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Devanagari</string>
</match>, <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Devanagari</string>
</match>, <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Devanagari</string>
</match>, <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Devanagari</string>
</match>, <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Devanagari</string>
</match>, <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Devanagari</string>
</match>, <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Devanagari</string>
</match>, <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Devanagari</string>
</match>, <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Devanagari</string>
* lohit-gujarati-fonts:
* authorized:
* 66-lohit-gujarati.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 66-lohit-gujarati.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Gujarati</string>
* lohit-kannada-fonts:
* authorized:
* 66-lohit-kannada.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* lohit-malayalam-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-lohit-malayalam.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 67-lohit-malayalam.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Malayalam</string>
* lohit-oriya-fonts:
* authorized:
* 66-lohit-oriya.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 66-lohit-oriya.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Oriya</string>
* lohit-punjabi-fonts:
* authorized:
* 66-lohit-punjabi.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* lohit-tamil-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-lohit-tamil.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 65-0-lohit-tamil.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Tamil</string>
* lohit-telugu-fonts:
* authorized:
* 66-lohit-telugu.conf: Generic names
* nonauthorized:
* 66-lohit-telugu.conf: <match>
<test name="lang" compare="contains">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
<string>Lohit Telugu</string>
* madan-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-madan.conf: Locale-specific overrides, Font substitution
* nonauthorized:
* 65-0-madan.conf: <match target="scan">
<test name="family">
<edit name="family">
<edit name="fullname">
* nafees-web-naskh-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-nafees-web-naskh.conf: Generic names, Simple priority lists
* paktype-naqsh-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-paktype-naqsh.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* paktype-tehreer-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-paktype-tehreer.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* paratype-pt-sans-fonts:
* authorized:
* 57-paratype-pt-sans.conf: Generic names, Font substitution, Simple priority lists
* pothana2000-fonts:
* authorized:
* 69-pothana2000.conf: Generic names, Simple priority lists
* saab-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-saab.conf: Generic names, Simple priority lists
* samyak-devanagari-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-samyak-devanagari.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* samyak-gujarati-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-samyak-gujarati.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* samyak-malayalam-fonts:
* authorized:
* 68-samyak-malayalam.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* samyak-oriya-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-samyak-oriya.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* samyak-tamil-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-samyak-tamil.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* sarai-fonts:
* authorized:
* 68-sarai.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* serafettin-cartoon-fonts:
* authorized:
* 66-serafettin-cartoon.conf: Generic names, Font substitution, Simple priority lists
* sil-abyssinica-fonts:
* authorized:
* 66-sil-abyssinica.conf: Generic names, Simple priority lists
* sil-padauk-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-sil-padauk.conf: Generic names, Simple priority lists
* sil-scheherazade-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-sil-scheherazade.conf: Generic names, Auto-scaling problem fonts, Font substitution, Simple priority lists
* smc-anjalioldlipi-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-smc-anjalioldlipi.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* smc-dyuthi-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-smc-dyuthi.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* smc-kalyani-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-smc-kalyani.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* smc-meera-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-smc-meera.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* nonauthorized:
* 90-smc-meera.conf: <match target="font">
<test name="family">
<edit name="matrix" mode="assign">
* smc-rachana-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-smc-rachana.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* smc-raghumalayalam-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-smc-raghumalayalam.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* smc-suruma-fonts:
* authorized:
* 67-smc-suruma.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* stix-fonts:
* authorized:
* 61-stix.conf: Generic names, Simple priority lists
* thai-scalable-garuda-fonts:
* nonauthorized:
* 90-thai-scalable-synthetic-garuda.conf: <match target="pattern">
<test name="family" mode="eq" qual="any">
<string>Browallia New</string>
<edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same">
<edit name="matrix" mode="assign">
* thai-scalable-kinnari-fonts:
* nonauthorized:
* 90-thai-scalable-synthetic-kinnari.conf: <match target="pattern">
<test name="family" mode="eq" qual="any">
<string>Angsana New</string>
<edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same">
<edit name="matrix" mode="assign">
* thai-scalable-loma-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* thai-scalable-norasi-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* thai-scalable-purisa-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* thai-scalable-sawasdee-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* thai-scalable-tlwgmono-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* thai-scalable-tlwgtypewriter-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* thai-scalable-tlwgtypist-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* thai-scalable-tlwgtypo-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* thai-scalable-umpush-fonts:
* nonauthorized:
* 90-thai-scalable-synthetic-umpush.conf: <match target="pattern">
<test name="family" mode="eq" qual="any">
<string>Cordia New</string>
<edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="same">
<edit name="matrix" mode="assign">
* thai-scalable-waree-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* tibetan-machine-uni-fonts:
* E: no fontconfig files provided
* un-core-batang-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-un-core-batang.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* un-core-dinaru-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-un-core-dinaru.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* un-core-dotum-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-un-core-dotum.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* un-core-graphic-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-un-core-graphic.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* un-core-gungseo-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-un-core-gungseo.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* un-core-pilgi-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-un-core-pilgi.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* vemana2000-fonts:
* authorized:
* 69-vemana2000.conf: Generic names, Simple priority lists
* vlgothic-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-1-vlgothic-gothic.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* nonauthorized:
* 65-1-vlgothic-gothic.conf: <match target="font">
<test name="family">
<string>VL Gothic</string>
<edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
* vlgothic-p-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-vlgothic-pgothic.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides
* nonauthorized:
* 65-0-vlgothic-pgothic.conf: <match target="font">
<test name="family">
<string>VL PGothic</string>
<edit name="hinting" mode="assign">
* wqy-zenhei-fonts:
* authorized:
* 65-0-wqy-zenhei.conf: Generic names, Locale-specific overrides