Anyone had success using wine on x86_64 on FC3?
I've tested almost all the i386 packages for fc3 available on winehq ,
but all of them fail at some point..
The latest one (wine-20050310-1fc3winehq) dies (to be more exact , it
dies and runs WineDbg) after I setup a fake root , install arial font
and try to install dcom 98 using winetools...
The error: (just part of the log.. if anything else is needed , I can
post it all)
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ole32=n" setarch i386 wine ./dcom98.exe
waiting for wineservers to exit...
wine: Unhandled exception (thread 000b), starting debugger...
WineDbg starting on pid 0xa
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x77bfbee9 in 32-bit
code (102f:00000909).
In 32 bit mode.
And then comes all the register dump , stack dump , backtrace....
Any encantations I should do to make it work?
Pedro Macedo