Hi, guys,
My problem is exasperating... I have a canon mf624cw on my
network. It has been there for a couple of years and worked well. when I started to work on my tax stuff, downloads etc. it refused to print. I powered down the router and repowered it. This usually worked because I have MANY systems on my home router wirelessly (about 15 at any one time), so occasionally it loses its little bitty mind. Not ofter, maybe once every 4 or 5 months.
Now given that this didn't bring the printer up, I then did a
ping and the printer responded. Lpq shows the printer not accepting
jobs. Brought up settings, and attempted to delete the printer. NO
JOY. I would unlock, authorize, delete the printer, close the
notification window, close the printer window and settings, reboot just
to make sure the settings took, and bring the system back up.
The printer was still there. Answered pings etc. OK, maybe
the printer has an issue. Powered down the printer, left it over
night, reset it and got the network up on it, confirmed I could ping
it, but still no printing.
OK, maybe the driver or the que is messed up. Again tried to
delte the printer while it was off. No joy. Went to Google, but it
was not my friend in this case.
So after three days of this, I am surrendering to the greaterwisdom.
System is AMD FX 8300 at 2.8Ghz, 15.6GiB memory, AMD Oland,
Gnome 3.28.2 64bit, lots of disk space. Just updated by dnf.
dmesg doesen't show any problems
journalctl doesn't show my any printer stuff.
Printer shows no errors.
printer shows network and can be pinged.
What I think I need is to remove all system references to the
printer. I have tried grep on the /etc directory and sub directories,
but no joy on locating the entries for the printer.
If anyone can tell me all the locations where the printer is referenced
and how to remove the references, I will probably be able to bumble my
way out of this. Or any other suggestions that might work.
Remember I have tried the gui from settings, and the cups 631
network page but with no joy on either. If you think I need to try any
of those again, please post step by step so I can be sure I do what you
say exactly.
Les H