us adjunto un missatge amb els enllaços als calendaris provisionals de Fedora 12. La nostra deadline és el 15 de setembre, les traduccions fetes després d'aquesta data no s'assegura que s'incloguin. Per tant, si volem tenir-ho enllestit haurem d'aprofitar el mes d'agost. Podeu veure l'estat de les traduccions aquí:
Les releases que cal traduir són "Fedora 12" i "Various" en primer lloc, la resta té menys prioritat.
Siusplau aneu demanant mòduls per traduir. Els qui tingueu mòduls assignats us n'assignaré de nous més prioritaris.
Salut i endavant!
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: John Poelstra Date: 2009/7/21 Subject: Fedora 12 Translation Team Schedule To: Fedora Translation Project List
I have built the Fedora 12 Translation schedules using the same methodology from Fedora 11.
Please tell me what needs to be corrected, added, or changed by referencing the task number here: -->
As an added bonus I've also created a combined view with the Documentation schedule (notice the overlay in different colors). The intention if this version is to place the Translation tasks in the context of the rest of the release: -->
And if that wasn't enough, I'm also generating iCal files for this release that are team specific. So pop this into to your favorite calendar application and tell me which additional tasks you'd like to see or have removed. To keep the presentation clean it only includes the more important tasks/milestones. -->
It would be most helpful to get your feedback as soon as possible. If I don't hear anything by Friday I will assume these are done.
One other question... who is representing the Translation team at the "Release Readiness Meetings" for Fedora 12? It was disappointing not to have representation from the translation team for the Fedora 11 preview and final release readiness meeting or the Fedora 11 retrospective.
Thank you, John
-- Fedora-trans-list mailing list